Modern python logging

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certainly! modern python logging is a powerful and flexible way to manage log messages in your applications. the `logging` module, which is part of the standard library, allows you to track events that happen when your software runs. this can be useful for debugging issues, monitoring application behavior, or recording events for auditing purposes.

### overview of python logging

the `logging` module provides several components to manage logging:

1. **loggers**: create log messages.
2. **handlers**: send log messages to their final destination (console, files, etc.).
3. **formatters**: define the layout of log messages.
4. **levels**: set the severity of messages (debug, info, warning, error, critical).

### basic usage

here’s how to set up basic logging:

1. **import the logging module**.
2. **configure logging** using `basicconfig()`.
3. **create log messages** using the logger.

### example code

here’s an example showing how to use python's logging module effectively.

### explanation of the code

- **importing the logging module**: this is necessary to use the logging functionalities.

- **configuring logging**:
- `format`: defines how the log messages will appear. in this example, it includes the timestamp, logger name, log level, and message.

- **creating a logger**: `getlogger(__name__)` creates a logger object that identifies the current module. you can use a custom name if needed.

- **defining a function**: the `divide` function performs division and logs appropriate messages for different outcomes — successful division and division by zero.

- **main execution**: the script logs the start and end of the program and tests the `divide` function.

### logging levels

the predefined ...

#python logging multiprocessing
#python logging to stdout
#python logging config
#python logging exception
#python logging example

python logging multiprocessing
python logging to stdout
python logging config
python logging exception
python logging example
python logging levels
python logging to file
python logging handlers
python logging formatter example
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