What Goes On At Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM): You Will Be Utterly Shocked!

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This is a shocking video from inside the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) that you must see to believe. If your church leadership utilizes Bethel (or Hillsong) music, please show this to them. This is dark beyond comprehension.
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I used to look for “feeling” when attending churches that follow these false practices. I went to a camp meeting one time that listen and follow this and had the worst experience ever. God warned me. I went again and I never returned. Thank you, Abba Father


I see demons cackling, writhing against each other, laughing in ecstasy at the chaos they are bringing forth. This is scary.


My husband and I are from South Africa and we got saved about 3 years ago.. so grateful to God that we got to hear the Gospel and accept fully in Jesus' work 🙏


For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. - Mark 13:22


52 years ago, at my first "Charismatic Meeting" at age 10, in Sacramento, CA (location unknown to me, as I was 10 years old) I saw the lack of control of the "grown ups" and was horrified, expecting to see this very thing break out at any moment. Now, 52 years later I can say that you might find this at any party where alcohol and/or drugs are being taken, and usually among a younger set of adults. That's nearly expected. No less disgusting, but at least they don't CALL it "Holy" anything. They don't blaspheme God by blaming their behavior on Him at drug parties. But at Bethel and in other charismatic places there are various levels of this always attributed (blamed) to God. This is not God, nor is it Holy nor is it Christian. Out of control, juvenile, hormones on steroids? Yes. But not God or Holy or Christian. If you are part of this and keep getting that "something isn't quite right" feeling, TRUST IT. And leave, as soon as possible.


I repent in the name of Jesus for all my dealings with witchcraft, sorcery, the occult, and the demonic realms. I break all bonds with them and rescind all rights and control that I gave them now, past, and in the future. Me, my family, my home, my work, my property are no longer in their control but under the protection of the blood of Jesus. I declare that my life to belong only to Jesus. Jesus is Lord


A false prophet here in Anchorage once told me that the only proof that the Holy Spirit is working through anyone is their ability to speak in tongues and do miracles. I told him that the only evidence that the Holy Spirit is working in any man's life is holiness. He cursed me, and commanded me to be cast into outer darkness.


Justin - when I was baptized over 30 years ago I was afraid that I was really not ‘saved’ because when my body was lifted out of the water I felt the heaviness of years of sin and a fear of God like I had never had before. For the rest of the day I kept my feelings to myself and smiled along with the others who had been baptized. My baptism showed me just how sinful my life had been. I have a genuine fear of God. I respect his house and his word. I am grateful to God, even though I do not show it everyday, for his tender mercies and the many blessings he continues to give me. Unfortunately God has become a joke in this world today and many no longer fear his name but use it to become rich.


Discernment is what we must have, to know Holy Spirit, and not be fooled by anyone..


I sincerely thank God that he intervened in my life and pulled me out of this movement and dropped me in the pages of the Bible and sound doctrine! Keep up the good work, Justin! There are many people who have yet to be pulled out of this spiritual, sensual, sexual immorality. Because that's what it is.


After 28 years as a born again Christian i have seen it all and been through it all. I have reached a point in my life where i believe that what matters most is my personal relationship with God. My conscience will always lead me to the right path. Gods path has inner peace that only you can explain. I seek to follow where the peace of God takes me. If i do not have the peace of God about something, then i am very cautious going ahead and ready to turn around or jump out at the slightest prompt. This walk of salvation can not be done blindly. Everyone must workout his own with fear and trembling.


My pastor told us years ago that one of the greatest deceptions to come upon the church will be through the music. Haven’t we seen that come to pass?


“Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10


You hit the nail on the head, brother Justin, when you said they have a low view of the Holy Spirit. *Where is the reverence and awe at His Presence?* _It's completely non-existent!_ They make it into a circus! Sickening, and unless they shudder to think 😱


Demonic, the sad thing is these young people are most likely to be trying to get closer to God.
Just mislead terribly.
Thank you Justin for showing what’s going on.


Pastor Justine thank you for exposing all these false teachers. 20 years ago I was a student in Word of Faith Bible College. Studied 2 years and graduated with a Dilpoma in Ministry. Throughtout the semesters I was seeking for a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit. And I dont really think that I had met my goal. After graduation I went into full time. And for the next 16 years. I had seen so many ugly things like Politics and using wordly methods to do God's work. And there were compromises and glorified the Pastors. Thank God I had got out from there.


This was VERY hard to watch. A beloved friend of mine just graduated from their 8 month program (she and her hubby are good buddies of Bill Johnson) and it just breaks my heart to see how deceived people can be to mistake this chaos for the Holy Spirit...I was in the same place not too many years ago. Thank you Brother Justin for your work and your heart of love for those caught in deception! God is still rescuing people out of this!


Brother Justin thank you for your work in ministry in Christ our LORD <3


Several years ago a friend and I were having a Bible study in my home and we were praying. We didn’t know anything about Bethel we had only heard. We decided to look it up. They had advertised on their front website page for an upcoming conference, the ad said “As above so below”. I gasped and my friend said what. I explained to her it was a quote from a famous satanist Alester Crowley. We both had the strangest sickening feeling. And what’s funny she had the feeling even before I explained where the quote came from.


I grew up in churches like this. The mass laughing, flopping on the floor like a fish out of water, "slain in the spirit" and i truly believed it was of God. I never questioned it. I was then given one of your videos many years ago where you were exposing the word of faith movement. I then did my own research believing you were wrong lol.

Thankfully God opened my eyes. My spirit now cringes and wants to run away from these churches. So many of these christians are blinded. The demonic spirit that flows in these meetings have their way and make a mockery of the assembly. When the lord has opened your eyes to this, you can feel the demonic in the meeting
