Rife Frequency Generator & Sound Healing

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Sound Healing is about using sound to stimulate the body's natural and innate healing response in the body. The body is truly the only thing that can heal itself, it was built that way. All healing modalities, even traditional medicine, are tools to activate or stimulate the body's own ability to heal.

Sound will be the medicine of the future. - Edgar Cayce

Sound can come from a variety of instruments or voices, but also "sound" that we don't hear can be used in a treatment. There are frequencies that the human ear cannot hear that can also be beneficial.

In this video you will hear about how using a frequency generator and other sounds, such as quartz crystal singing bowls, tuning forks and reiki, can be used to assist your body, mind and spirit.

Rife machines work on the principle of RESONANCE which is very well known in physics. Everything has a vibrating frequency, which is called resonant frequency.
Royal Raymond Rife developed the Rife machine in the 1920s. He was an American scientist. The machine is also called a Rife frequency generator.

Rife machines or frequency generator machines produce low electromagnetic energy waves. Royal R. Rife used LIGHT frequency. Light, as a wave from, is different than all other frequencies, like electrical or sound frequency.

Light behaves both like an electromagnetic wave and a particle called a photon, making it different than all other waveforms.
Since light contains photons, particles of matter carried on electromagnetic waves, then using a Rife machine tuned to the frequency of a disease or disorder would direct the current to that specific site or origin of the body. Photons are electron donors. As the light frequencies give off an electron to the diseased tissue, it raises the pH of the mass and may aid in its destruction. 

This can be explained using an analogy of an opera singer who uses their voice to shatter a crystal glass. The glass is vibrating at a certain frequency, and when the opera singer sings at that particular frequency the glass shatters.

In the same way, each microorganism has a unique and specific frequency (or vibrational rate). When you add MORE OF THIS SAME frequency to the microorganism, it cannot tolerate it, and it bursts, or dissolves away. Rife machines generate resonance waves which destroy harmful bacteria without doing any harm to the users.

Royal Raymond Rife was a brilliant scientist born in 1888 and died in 1971. After studying at Johns Hopkins, Rife developed technology which is still commonly used today in the fields of optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, ballistics, and aviation.

He received 14 major awards and honors and was given an honorary Doctorate by the University of Heidelberg for his work.

In 1920, Rife had finished building the world’s first virus microscope. By 1933, he had perfected that technology and had constructed the incredibly complex Universal Microscope, which had nearly 6,000 different parts and was capable of magnifying objects 60,000 times their normal size. With this incredible microscope, Rife became the first human being to actually see a live virus, and until quite recently, the Universal Microscope was the only one which was able view live viruses.
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I just met a lady firsthand the other day who had three months to live who was terminal with bone cancer she swears this machine carried her plus her connection with spirit and changing her emotional patterns


Thank you for sharing, this was a clear presentation on what the rife machine is.☺️


Great video!! First time I heard about biofeedback was in a dream four years ago. I had no idea what it was but I saw myself reading other peoples biofield. I was guided to listen frequencies for healing; was a bit sceptical in the beginning until I started experiencing results. A few weeks ago I received my first rife machine and I'm very excited! I love sound healing and quantum medicine, it is truly the medicine of the future 😃 Thank you for sharing this info ❤


Wow you are a brilliant teacher and gave such a beautiful clear succinct presentation. Thank you! Happy healing


Nice video! I've starting to study about sound and frequency lately. You answered some if my questions. Thanks! ✌


We are vibrational children of the universe!❤


What about the rife frequency healing tracks on YouTube? Do they work?


Great video! Where can I buy a rife machine? I’ve looked it up but I’m not exactly sure what to look for.


Hello Ma'am. I am so interested in this technology. I can't find a lot on the Internet. Cant find anything on YouTube besides this. I really want to help, research, or assist in anyway I can. I believe in this 100% and absolutely want to be a part of this movement. If there is anything I can do I will give you my email or whatever needed. I would really really appreciate to be a part. Thank for the video. So informal and there's not enough of it.


Hello Jill. I enjoyed your video!! I had a full five years of treatments three times per week for parasites and my lyme disease. I am having some battles again also with extremely high blood pressure. Can you please share with me the machine you really like?? I would like to get my own as soon as possible. Thank you very much Jill. Sincerely, Kelly


I hope you have a blessing one and are able to connect with me so I can see the rife❤️


Great video! Thanks for the explanation. Have you experienced the AO Scan Mobile yet? It uses Rife frequencies and works from any distance. Curious, how much is it to own the Rife machine you have?


Best video, loved it, make more please


What specific machine do you have ? I want to Amazon this asap thank u


Hi I’m in australia so can’t come and see you. Where can I buy a Rife machine from ?


Hi Jill, thanks for the video!! I’m very interested is in this technology and would love to give it a try. Any info you could pass my way would be much appreciated. I have bad arthritis in my knees.


Where can you buy one of these specific sound generators?


Hi Jill
Im very interested in the rife after watching your video. Can I know what kind of rife are you using? Thank you so much!


Hi thats great. Could You shate the machine You have because I am looking for one . Thanks


Hi, great video, wanted to find out what you opinion is about having RIFE via an app? I have an app and wanted to find out how long I should use the frequencies. Would love to know more about the machine too!! thanks
