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I just used free xp and skipped it. That tank blows. It needs some upper plate armor, and some more pen. With that the speed would be fine. Issue is autoloaders in general need a nerf of some type, especially in tier 10.


I think it's partially the tank's fault for the poor performance as well. A good clipper needs to have either mobility, accuracy and penetration or armor. This tank has nothing, and that's why i think it performs poorly


As soon as I had the XP for the T57 this thing was gone, I never played it in a single regular battle just ground it in fun modes


This is a lot like the Brit mediums or the Leopard line. You need to be comfortable playing from a distance and the tank performs better when you have support. If you are the only medium that reload on the autoloader will get you wiped out if you are solo and the other team rushes you. It is a challenge at times but it can be fun. I


I actually was grinding the t57 line recently and can't say that it was a terrible tank. I didn't go the t49 route though. I think it was a necessary evil to get the tank I wanted.:) For me armor was not as much of an issue, it was the mobility that was terrible for a med with no armor. That being said, you can have amazing games in it once you get used to it and put it into right positions. Stay close to your team, just a bit behind, look for exchanges where you can get shot once and unload a full clip back. It doesn't work well against other quick tanks that will force you to exchange one for one (most of the time), but can be an amazing support tank against heavies who can't escape quickly enough. It can be tricky, map and team dependent, that why I think it's just not consistent tank. At least for me - an average player.


Other than having no armor, no dpm, no accuracy, no camo, no penetration, no speed, it has a real killer flaw. It is labelled as a medium, means the matchmaking sees the tank as a medium, when it can’t perform as one. Rendering your team a huge disadvantage as they literally lose a medium at the start. And you will get all the toxicities later as a result from teammates. T69 and T54e1 are worth skipping to get the T57.


I think the singular reason is that it’s mostly played by new players racing up to T57. Same story with ST-I and Leopard PTA, whenever I see these tanks in game, 9/10 times they’re driven by potatoes. That said I loved this tank and had a great time in it :)


With this and the T69 you should use the shell reload boost. And honestly, I enyoyed the T54E1 a lot, for being a bad tank, you just need to be very skilled, have your allies as close to you as possible and have patience. Same goes for the T69


It’s a very niche and average tank, exploitable in the right hands and situation, but which I hated and which did not suit my more aggressive play style. When I held back more, farmed off my team, and just got luckier it could perform quite well, but that was a minority of games.
I’m also a fan of lights and mediums, and clippers, but this one was just painful for me.
Did not enjoy, will not play again, and whenever I need the garage space will sell it without a regret.


its crap, its not the player in this case


Im sorry to disagree with you on this one, but no wsy, Marty. This thing is painful. How in hell did they make a medium tank that has no armour and also no speed? Is sluggish as hell, the dispersion is quite bad... I remember you said in a video that a tank has to have at least 2 things going on for it to be a good tank. Well, this guy has only one, which is firepower, but it lacks speed or armour in order to be considered good. If it only had a good turret, it would drastically change its performance, in my opinion.


It is a bad tank. No HE, poor depression, no armor, poor mobility, and a massive reload for not great damage. No armor and slow is very bad for anything but a back of the map TD. Add its massive reload that means you cannot brawl against the other lights and meds and it is pure garbage.

Also, many are probably expecting it to act more like a heavy considering what it becomes and how it looks. Also, many are likely just crap grinding through it without much care to do well. I know I did. I hated every moment in this thing and even more so when I had to fight tier 10s constantly. I could not pen the heavies and if I went med the vastly superior meds and lights would wreck me the moment my team mates died or sped off faster than I could follow.


🤣 T49 player got Brain damage when starts playing the Tank after it


large size to minimal armor makes it a huge target. also partially the tanks fault


There's always hard to play tank in every tier, no exceptions. Of all tier 9s this isn't even the worst imho


This is a big tank compared to t71 its t7 predecessor. Its slow, reload time is long, armor is poor, maneauverability is bad. Had some good games in it. Gun is good. But its a pain to grind it.


This was just a stepping stone to the T57 Heavy and I never played it after that. So I did what you suggested, took it out for a spin, and had a good game. Not a bad tank at all.


t69 next plz this tank is so underrated


It's a ambush tank or sniper tank due to its low speed and adequate gun. And will punish bum rushers.
It's my highest average damage auto reloaded of any tier. But I just snipe and occasionally ambush and definitely kill bum rushers.
About 3k average damage and 60% win rate. Patience rewards this tank.


Horrible tank. Mobility 4 me was the worst part.
