Georgette pt 9: Edwina shows kindness to the King in his confusion (Bridgerton 2x06)

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Edwina is so elegant in this moment. This is the scene that Queen Charlotte realises how perfect of a diamond she is (along with how perfect she would be with the prince 😂)


Every single person in that palace bows to him… but he bows to her.


This scene hits so much more after queen Charlotte


Edwina was so great in this season. The fact that she managed to speak kindly to the King shows her character.


The thing I love about this scene is that everyone sees Edwina for the diamond she truely is, for perhaps the first time. Her strength and compassion are clear to see, but so is her wisdom. I think for perhaps the first time they see her as a woman, not a young girl.
But it also sets her resolve almost. She said from the start she wanted to marry for love and had her romantic notions. But here she saw what real love looks like and it nocked those pervious notions on it's head. At the end it was almost like her coming to terms with the fact that she could never have that with Anthony.


The little smile Charlotte gives to George at 0:47 is so sweet, she's trying to comfort him at the same time whilst trying to manage her uncomfortableness that everyone in the room has seen her husband like this 😢


She really deserved to be the diamond just from her kindness alone.


i love how the queen see edwina for her kindness and in the scene when she is looking at the crown jewels that edwina would never speak of ill of the king and his madness . so that is why the queen wants to introduce her to her newphew that she would make a lovely princess .


you can tell how much queen charlotte loves king george through those eyes


Man I know it’s a show but Edwina and Kate must’ve had really great parents Z they are both so compassionate and willing to sacrifice all kinds of thing from happiness to dignity for each other. They also forgive quickly while still holding true to their own convictions. Mannn. Literally my favorites


Edwina is more than just compassionate and also socially intelligent to read the room and the situation. But she also does something that is contrast to what we've seen so far of the time.

As a diamond she is supposed to be leading society. Society thus far has treated madness as this thing to hide and to tie down when it latches onto reality - like when george thinks his daughter is alive, Charlotte's first answer is to correct him. Even lady danbury and violet are turning their heads away out of respect for the queens shame. We know from modern psychology of course that sometimes there are non redirectable patients. And its better to play along. Back then, medical treatments were "corrective". As we saw with that awful doctor in the spinoff series that tried to beat down and torture the sickness literally off him.

But here, Edwina sooths by not lying to him, but a half truth. There was a wedding. There was a bride. Its just that that wedding and bride are far away in rhe past. And edwina also acknowledges that past by saying they had many trials. But marrying her was all worth it.

Its so good. Its diamondy. And that is why the queen matches her with her nephew.

Back when we only had season 1 and 2 i kept rewatching it for king george and charlotte scenes and I was so sad no one uploaded their svenes in better quality until now. And im so happy with the spinoff


We know Edwina's been singled out as this sort of paragon of female virtue: grace, compassion, elegance, kindness, beauty, etc. This is where she reveals her intelligence and tact. That situation was out of control - no one knew what to do within their prescribed roles - and she figured out exactly what was necessary and she stepped in to take care of it. I really hoped that she would marry the prince and become half of a diplomatic power couple :).


The Queen saw herself in her... after watching queen charlotte episodes, i now understand this scene more than ever.


Think this was the only time anyone saw Queen Charlotte so upset. Well for Lady Danbury she'd seen it before but not the other ladies.


Edwina should be prime example for nurses and carers and doctors in Australia. This is how u approach someone with mental health or memory problems like alzhiezmers. She won me over in this scene. Would have been wonderful to have seen her with the prince or something like that. Love this show and the brigerton series immensely ❤


I think what is beautiful about this scene is this is very similar to how you would speak to someone suffering from dementia, for example. Trying to forcefully remind them of where they are and that they aren't experiencing events long since passed (such as George and Charlotte's wedding day), actually does more harm than good.

It's better to, for lack of a better phrase, play along with them as Edwina does here and placate them peacefully. At the end of the day, you cannot stop a terrible illness such as dementia. It robs that person of their past, present and future, and there's nothing you can do to prevent that. The best thing you can do is show kindness, patience and understanding.

While we're better equipped to do so now, back then King George would have simply been deemed insane and looked upon with shame and horror, at least by the public. What Edwina does here is incredibly remarkable, and just shows how beautiful her soul is.

I hope she does end up marrying the prince and we hear about it in the next season. She would make a fantastic princess, and I have no doubt she'd find love with the prince.


I love Edwina, she deserved better. So kind hearted, to Anthony, her sister, Penelope and the king


This was one of my most favourite scenes in the series. Edwina showed kindness to George.


I think in his confused mind, George was either seeing Amelia or young Charlotte


THIS is why i love Edwina. She has that feistiness tvat is not built from worldliness unlike her sister's
