Stephen Miller's law group says it's fighting 'racism against White people'

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A conservative legal group led by former top Trump aide Stephen Miller has emerged as a frequent opponent to several Biden administration initiatives by mounting court challenges, succeeding in blocking policies they say are examples of discrimination against White people.

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When the people who put food on our tables are declaring bankruptcy in record numbers and are 3.5 times more likely to commit suicide, this is not the right time to sooth your conscious. After the pandemic, farmers have suffered and they should all receive help. Wtf did the government think would happen by only giving help to black farmers only in such a desperate time? They ALL need help. Holy crap, the people in office are egg heads …just wow


I’m glad this is getting more exposure and MILLER is not afraid to speak up.


It's all about keeping us divided, divided they can control us easier


How is California giving money based on skin color not racist?


At this point this country is like a strange episode of the
twilight zone on repeat 😐😬😐😬


Without a doubt the creepiest man alive!


Anyone ever seen Miller and garlic together in the same room?


I shall NEVER forget when Stephen Miller was trump's "temporary press secretary" and in a press conference ABC kept showing, Miller said "President trump is the "Supreme leader and he shall not ever be questioned". That ought to tell anyone where Miller is coming from and showing himself to be "a supreme Fascist". I remember the ABC network hosts kept saying "wow did we all just hear Miller say the same thing, that is crazy and the way dictators talk"..


I didn’t even realize billionaires were so oppressed


Finally! It’s rampant. Reverse discrimination!


People are concentrating on the wrong thing. We should ALL be working together because mother nature doesn't care if you are black or white, your dollars, your power. Right now the weather is what is happening in our farmland. All the poor need help no matter who they are.


I've always found it weird how people can say things like "white people stuff" or call whites "crackers" or "white boy" or when they dislike someone white the first thing that they issue is their color of skin. This needs too change and it's wrong and hypocritical. I'm not saying it because I'm white, I honestly couldn't give two shits about what a stranger calls me, but the double standards piss me off. Imagine if the situation was reversed. Imagine if I, a white dude, would call a black guy "black boy" or something like that? People would be outrageous. I remember Montrezl Harrell, a black NBA player called Luka Doncic (white NBA player) a "bitch ass white boy". People literally just said that it wasn't cool and forgot about it after one day and I remember Shaquile and some other people on the post game show defended Montrezl saying that it's not racist and that he didn't mean it in that way. Imagine if Doncic called him a "bitch ass black guy". Doncic would be immediately kicked from NBA. So yes, white people are getting discriminated more and more every day and we do experience racism, we just don't make a scene out of it


I'm a white male in the U.S., and several years ago I lost my job and fell on some hard times and applied for Food Stamps and was denied. The exact words spoken to me by a non-white employee were, "You're a white male and you have an advantage and better opportunity to find a job than any minority, so, we are denying you Food Stamps." I had never in my life ever applied for any assistance from the State or Federal Government, and the only time I did for Food Stamps, I was denied because of my race. So, basically, they were telling me, since you're white, you have to starve. If you're a minority, a drug addict, alcoholic, or homeless, (but you can't be white and homeless), then you can get Food Stamps. But, if you do good, stay out of trouble, don't do drugs, don't drink alcohol and are white, but fall on hard times, you're going to have to starve, because that's exactly what I was told. (The State I applied for the Food Stamps was Arizona).


If it ain't helpin me, it's hurtin me. What a legal argument.


Is there anyone on earth who expected anything different.


Isn't he one of the insurrection planners?


Stephen doesn't realize that all the "great" ideas he thinks he comes up with are not new.


“Privilege is when you contribute to the oppression of others and then claim that you are the one being discriminated against.” - DaShanne Stokes


They've got multiple tools alright, Stephen Miller is one of them


race has no place in politics everyone should be treated exactly the same cant see why this is hard to fix.
