Parcel JS Setups Walkthrough and Review
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Parcel is a popular JavaScript bundling tool that can commonly be compared to Webpack, Rollup, and other JS bundlers. What it does different is it's dedication to being a zero configuration setup. This means most setups will not require the user to configure how the bundler should treat various packages, plugins and files. Such configuration can be very daunting for even experienced developers, and blocks you from getting to the actual coding.
I'm going to walk through setting up Parcel for various different common project setups, all in a single project. A large focus throughout the video will be observing how easy Parcel makes these setups and what it's auto-configuring for you. Throughout the video we'll cover:
- Setting up a minimal Parcel project from scratch
- Hot Module Replacement
- Vue
- React
- Svelte
- Typescript
- Modern JS features like conditional chaining, including fallbacks
- Browserslist to customize those fallbacks for cross-browser support
- Importing images in JavaScript
- Sass
- Stylus
- Styled Components
- Pug
- Multiple entry points
This project isn't intended to be used for a realistic app, since it includes several setups all in one, but I will be showing my commits along the way and pushing up the project to Github for anyone following along who wants to review the code.
Here is the repo:
00:00:00 - What we'll cover
00:04:15 - Creating the minimal setup
00:08:00 - Hot Module Replacement (HMR)
00:11:15 - Dev & Prod NPM Scripts
00:18:20 - Multiple Entrypoints
00:23:27 - Modern JavaScript Transpiling
00:28:22 - SASS
00:33:00 - PostCSS, CSS Modules & Browserslist
00:46:26 - Typescript
00:52:50 - Vue, Pug & Stylus
01:03:06 - React & Image imports
01:09:48 - Styled Components
01:15:11 - Typescript in React (.tsx)
01:19:13 - Svelte
01:25:54 - Wrap-up
caniuse background-clip page:
Tailwind PostCSS 7 compatibility fix:
Follow Jimmy Cleveland's doings:
I'm going to walk through setting up Parcel for various different common project setups, all in a single project. A large focus throughout the video will be observing how easy Parcel makes these setups and what it's auto-configuring for you. Throughout the video we'll cover:
- Setting up a minimal Parcel project from scratch
- Hot Module Replacement
- Vue
- React
- Svelte
- Typescript
- Modern JS features like conditional chaining, including fallbacks
- Browserslist to customize those fallbacks for cross-browser support
- Importing images in JavaScript
- Sass
- Stylus
- Styled Components
- Pug
- Multiple entry points
This project isn't intended to be used for a realistic app, since it includes several setups all in one, but I will be showing my commits along the way and pushing up the project to Github for anyone following along who wants to review the code.
Here is the repo:
00:00:00 - What we'll cover
00:04:15 - Creating the minimal setup
00:08:00 - Hot Module Replacement (HMR)
00:11:15 - Dev & Prod NPM Scripts
00:18:20 - Multiple Entrypoints
00:23:27 - Modern JavaScript Transpiling
00:28:22 - SASS
00:33:00 - PostCSS, CSS Modules & Browserslist
00:46:26 - Typescript
00:52:50 - Vue, Pug & Stylus
01:03:06 - React & Image imports
01:09:48 - Styled Components
01:15:11 - Typescript in React (.tsx)
01:19:13 - Svelte
01:25:54 - Wrap-up
caniuse background-clip page:
Tailwind PostCSS 7 compatibility fix:
Follow Jimmy Cleveland's doings: