Easy SD2Vita Autoplugin PKGJ VitaHomebrew Guide

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Now that you have your PSVita hacked with H-Encore/Henkaku we could do many great things with it.
First, for example we could use a SD2Vita card adapter that accepts microsd cards and use it as storage, as oppose to paying a hefty price tag on those sony proprietary m2 memory cards.
Second we could install a plugin application called "Autoplugin" which allows us to install many plugins to allow us to play PSX, PSP, Vita games as well as system adjustments, for example knowing the battery percentage of your system, maximizing your brightness settings, having the ability to download on your Vita browser, overclocking your system to improve the game FPS, and many many more.
Third we have the PKGJ application which allows us to download many awesome Vita, PSP, and PSX games, plus themes and DLC. Your enjoyment on the go will never end.
Then finally we have the "VitaHomebrew Browser" which has emulators, game ports, utilities and many more sweet stuff to check out.
Let's Begin:
1) You will need to get a SD2Vita card adapter which you can find here:
2) A MicroSD card
3) You will also need a FTP client like FlashFXP or FileZilla to transfer files from your computer to your Vita.
4) Here is the link for the files you will need:
1:19 Brief description of what files are on the megalink
2:26 Setup our SD2Vita card & MicroSD
11:46 Transferring Autoplugin, PKGJ (also PKGi folder), VitaHomebrew vpk files via FTP client into our Vita and installing the vpk files on Vitashell.
14:53 Loading up PKGJ and updating it.
16:42 Loading up Autoplugin selecting and installing plugins that are needed.
19:09 Download and installing a game from PKGJ. Browsing through PKGJ.
22:06 Loading up VitaHomebrew Browser and understanding the application.
-Many thanks goes out to thefl0w, SkGleba, theheroGAC, devnoname120, blastrock, and many more from the Vita community in making this portable console AWESOME and ALIVE!
First, for example we could use a SD2Vita card adapter that accepts microsd cards and use it as storage, as oppose to paying a hefty price tag on those sony proprietary m2 memory cards.
Second we could install a plugin application called "Autoplugin" which allows us to install many plugins to allow us to play PSX, PSP, Vita games as well as system adjustments, for example knowing the battery percentage of your system, maximizing your brightness settings, having the ability to download on your Vita browser, overclocking your system to improve the game FPS, and many many more.
Third we have the PKGJ application which allows us to download many awesome Vita, PSP, and PSX games, plus themes and DLC. Your enjoyment on the go will never end.
Then finally we have the "VitaHomebrew Browser" which has emulators, game ports, utilities and many more sweet stuff to check out.
Let's Begin:
1) You will need to get a SD2Vita card adapter which you can find here:
2) A MicroSD card
3) You will also need a FTP client like FlashFXP or FileZilla to transfer files from your computer to your Vita.
4) Here is the link for the files you will need:
1:19 Brief description of what files are on the megalink
2:26 Setup our SD2Vita card & MicroSD
11:46 Transferring Autoplugin, PKGJ (also PKGi folder), VitaHomebrew vpk files via FTP client into our Vita and installing the vpk files on Vitashell.
14:53 Loading up PKGJ and updating it.
16:42 Loading up Autoplugin selecting and installing plugins that are needed.
19:09 Download and installing a game from PKGJ. Browsing through PKGJ.
22:06 Loading up VitaHomebrew Browser and understanding the application.
-Many thanks goes out to thefl0w, SkGleba, theheroGAC, devnoname120, blastrock, and many more from the Vita community in making this portable console AWESOME and ALIVE!