Divine Law: The Art of letting go

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Dear Ascension Pioneers!

What is the Art of letting go? It means to truly live in a state of constant alignment/letting go without thinking that we need to let go, so that we actually learn to let go the idea of letting go itself. All the messages point towards claiming our own sacred space, because we need to honor and value ourselves first, before we can honor all other life forms and choices. How will we live, if we don't learn to first choose from the Self, the infinite space of our knowing? When we deepen that knowing, we will trust that it will always bring to us as much as we need in the right timing, for all is Divine and governed by Cosmic Law. That true nature of Divine Love is always in motion and always nourishing us from deep within. It is just a matter of turning to that Light and remembering our true Divine origin. This sacred space of ours is so important for our Ascension, for to stand so strongly in our Pillar/Vortex is to know ourselves as whole and complete, free, self sustainable and infinitely resourceful. When external pressures and others feel like they are against us, we need to remember that this is not true, and if others do not understand or support our Soul journey, they are simply in lack of awareness, not the lack of Love. And our path will lie straight ahead, creating a wide open White road of Self mastery in attainment!

When we master this, we will be able to share and co-exist with others and all other choices in purity, not attachment, codependency and egoic desire. We will know what choices we are guided to make from our own sacred space and how they intermingle and co-create with others.

We will truly know and trust the Self!

Within Divine Love, Polona Aurea Dawn
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