Richard Vandersteen at AXPONA 2024

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The legendary and iconoclastic Richard Vandersteen of Vandersteen Audio reveals his latest pre-amp, the Vandersteen L5-ACC Audio Control Center. The line stage only, solid state, JFET design, features a remote control with defeatable tone controls and surround sound.

"I always try to do something that hasn't been done before. We're at this 46 years now, and it's just as joyful today as it was in the beginning."

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Richard’s room was fantastic. Organic and enveloping.


Years ago, Richard flew from CA to Rochester, NY to address our audio group. One of the coolest and most fascinating people I've met in all my years a of audio. Self made man, and a class act.


Great interview - Vandersteen is part of the hi-fi pantheon, an iconoclast and his speakers produce the musical event unparalleled.


I always appreciated Vandersteen speakers and I've had my ears on the Quatro Wood CT for a while now.


I don't use equipment that doesn't have tone controls.
Most of the time I leave them set flat, but being able to change the sound to suit a particular situation is vital.

Vandersteen is one of a few worthy companies I like to tell people about. Many have never heard of it.


Richard Vandersteen is one of the smartest, purist and most innovative loudspeakers manufacturers in high end audio, and a super nice and dte guy to boot. And a bigger, better speaker than the Model 7 xtrm? Yes please.


Glad to see Mr. Vandersteen is still making new designs Long may it last! Tone control never went out of fashion... My own diy preamp has a direct source switch that operates relays to completely take the tone circuit out of signal path. I was quite proud of this as I hadn't seen it done before exactly the way it's implemented. Do I ever use it? nope - tone control circuit is always on, flat settings or otherwise. Why? It just sounds better. Lesson: wire with gain hypothesis doesn't stand up in real life.


Richard, quick question. How come your expensive speakers come with such cheap screws masquerading as binding posts. Surely a $4K speaker can be fitted with WBT binding posts. You are the only designer with this flaw. BTW I have a pair of ❤2Ce and just love the sound.❤❤❤


Is there a video of the event involving Richard V. in Cleveland Hts?


Nice like the concept. got to change that remote though something like a 1980s B&O big Square buttons light up symbols in the middle of the buttons and a carved wood outer frame.
