Ubuntu: Error message 'sudo: unable to resolve host (none)'

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Ubuntu: Error message "sudo: unable to resolve host (none)"

Question: When I run sudo the terminal is stuck for a few seconds and then outputs an
error message. My terminal looks like this:
ubuntu@(none):~$ sudo true
sudo: unable to resolve host (none)
What can I do to solve it?

Solutions Sample (Please watch the whole video to see all solutions, in order of how many people found them helpful):

== This solution helped 10 people ==
In AWS, go to your vpc and turn on "DNS Hostnames".

== This solution helped 10 people ==
I was having the same issue even though the hostname in my /etc/hostname file
and /etc/hosts file matched.
My hostname was "staging_1". It turns out that you can't have an underscore in
your hostname, which is why I was getting this error. Changing the underscore
to a hyphen fixed my problem.

== This solution helped 16 people ==
I had this issue when I was using ubuntu on a VPS. I solved it editing /etc/
hosts file.
run this command:
sudo nano /etc/hosts
and then add: ubuntu
I hope that will solve your issue :)
PS: Remember to reboot your computer!

== This solution helped 184 people ==
the line (or create a new line if you prefer that).
Mine looks like:

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
Replace penguin in the above example by your new hostname as stated in the /
etc/hostname file.

== This solution helped 1 person ==
I had the same problem. I solved it by editing the /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname
files... on the /etc/hosts file, just edit the top part as shown below.
#vi /etc/hosts localhost localhost myhostname

#vi /etc/hostname

== This solution helped 1 person ==
if you can't sudo you CAN log in as root via su. IE: su root (in an x-term).
then give the root password when prompted, then you can edit the files with
nano. The root password in 'buntu is the same as the password you would use for

== This solution helped 1 person ==
If you are using Vagrant, then login into the guest and run apt-get --no-
install-recommends install virtualbox-guest-utils

== This solution helped 2 people ==
you might be getting an error if your hosts or hostname file contain illegal
characters. Only these symbols are permitted: a-z, A-Z, 0-9

== This solution helped 2 people ==
I had this same problem! I changed my VPS's name through the online admin
control panel which did not change the machine name in the hosts file All I did
was run:
sudo nano /etc/hosts
Then I edited it from this: Megabyte Megabyte localhost
To this: Debian Debian localhost
and that fixed my error! Hope this helped!

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