Graham Linehan Was Right About Gender Ideology

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Graham Linehan has experienced cancel culture firsthand. After building a huge following for his work on the popular TV shows "Father Ted," "Black Books," and "The IT Crowd", Graham became concerned about unscientific gender ideology, including self-identification, males competing against females in women's sports leagues, and experimental gender medicine, including puberty blockers. Since speaking publicly about his concerns, he as faced severe personal and career repercussions. Graham is in Australia as part of his book tour with the Free Speech Union of Australia.

#cassreport #grahamlinehan #itcrowd #blackbooks #fatherted #australia

00:00 Intro to Graham Linehan
00:45 Australian vs British vs American humour
05:12 Sitcom vs Surreal comedy
07:27 Being a Public Figure
09:52 Wikipedia bias
11:40 Graham Linehan's childhood
18:00 Trans issue is a sacred cow
20:00 Why do women support trans ideology?
21:30 Cass Review, Tavistock closure, puberty blocker updates
25:25 Lack of media reporting
29:00 Friends throwing him under bus
31:00 Time in Australia
35:00 Will this all blow over?
38:00 Free Speech Union Australia tour

Quillette is an Australian-based online magazine that focuses on long-form analysis and cultural commentary. It is politically non-partisan, but relies on reason, science, and humanism as its guiding values.

Quillette was founded in 2015 by Australian writer Claire Lehmann. It is a platform for free thought and a space for open discussion and debate on a wide range of topics, including politics, culture, science, and technology.

Quillette has gained attention for publishing articles and essays that challenge modern heterodoxy on a variety of topics, including gender and sexuality, race and identity politics, and free speech and censorship.


Quillette's revenue comes from our readers. We are a grassroots organisation that relies on voluntary subscriptions and community membership as our primary revenue stream.

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For the past few years, every time I've heard of someone being cancelled, I've automatically gone and followed them. Someone being cancelled today is a cue to me that I need to listen to this person and ignore the person doing the cancelling. I thank the annointed class for helping me with this.


A very courageous and decent man who, unlike most, refused to bow down to the Wokearatti and allow bullies, sexual predators and mentally deluded people to ride roughshod over our society. Its such a shame that he has suffered so much as a result, but I hope that he finds some solace in the fact that he has educated the general public and that people are now waking up and are starting to push back against these vile and hateful people.


You can see how much this toxic ideology has had on Grahams mental and physical health. He has been completely vindicated and should hold his head high. I do hope, over time, he regains his health and career, he so deserves it along with many others.


We didn't need tha cass report to tell us that Graham and others that stood out against this ideology were right, it is common sense and fact.


Posy Parker, Graham Linehan, JK Rowling, Helen Joyce, Mr Menno, EDI Jester, and all the brilliant, genuine, courageous people who have given everything and inspired others to stand up against bullying and corruption, make me feel incredibly proud.


This title made me emotional. I wish it was a national headline. I love Graham. He's been through hell and back, trying to sound the alarm and protect reality. I hope he is well.


“Don’t tell children that they could be born in the wrong body. Because they are children, and they will believe you.”
Graham, thank yo7 for speaking up for women and children.


Everything he said has been vindicated.


🎶You're a good man Graham Linehan, though you was wounded in the gender wars, you tried to shut these monsters down, you're still a good man Graham Linehan🎶


I admire Graham so much. It takes a lot to go against the "IN" crowd.


I have screamed this from the housetops from day one. Now the Cass report has come out in England confirming that the NHS were practicing unproven treatments on children so hopefully people will now open their eyes. BUT I WILL STILL SHOUT IN PINK FLOYD STYLE, HEY TEACHERS, LEAVE THEM KIDS ALONE. DONT BE AFRAID OF SAYING NO. BE MORE LIKE GRAHAM.


“To never listen to these people again.” Absolutely! What a courageous man of integrity.


Awesome of you guys to speak to Graham! He's one of the great comic minds of our time!!


Hopefully more people will speak out against this toxic gender ideolgy.


I like Graham because he is self-admittedly a flawed human being who has been naive or self-righteous on occasion, made plenty of mistakes, recognised them and apologised/made amends when he has realised he has been wrong or unfair. I have every faith in him that he will continue to do this. Those who double down on proselytising falsehoods when confronted with evidence as to the truth of a particular issue or circumstance are the real villains. The vexed matter of captured legacy media closing down free speech for fear that people may tell truths, discuss tricky issues and come to new conclusions is at the heart of all of the 'Trans' non-debate and all of the other current 'hot topics' declared 'settled science'. In all of these matters the suppression of factual, evidenced information which goes against the promoted and prevailing narrative is savagely attacked and those who speak out are shamed and silenced on as many platforms as possible, their livelihoods and personal lives demolished in every nasty way activists can dream up. Activists always justify their dispicable behaviour as 'He/she deserved it and brought it on themselves by blasheming against our holy writ'.


Graham is right about our ABC. Captured


Met Glinner in Dublin at a Let Women Speak event with Kellie Jay Keen. Glinner stood to have his photo taken with so many of us women patiently, so good humouredly...a real gent....
Love u Graham. I know some ppl too who have endured the same bullying, myself included... for speaking out but really, they are cowardly bullies who NEED to virtue signal ad nauseum...


One question I'd like to ask those that advocate for "trans women" to be allowed into women's sports is this simple question: "Why do we have women's sports versus men's sports?" It's a fundamental question that I think the advocates would have a hard time answering without undercutting their argument.


This man is a total hero of our generation. Today in Manchester (UK) I saw a trans rights protest in the city centre - 10 people maximum... I think the message is starting to seep into the brains of the blue-rinsed that behaving as they have will only end one way - and that they will have damaged a huge number of children on the way.


Graham, your musical about Father Ted will happen, give it time. You will be vindicated.
