Vestibular Rehab: PPPD | Extensive Exercises with Modifications and Progressions, Tips for Success

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Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD or 3PD) is a chronic condition characterized by non-spinning dizziness and unsteadiness provoked by environmental or social stimulation. These exercises decrease sensitivity to stimulation and improve tolerance for daily activity and motion. I include recommendations for making the exercises more comfortable and manageable.

0:00 Intro
1:05 Rate Perceived Dizziness at Baseline and Threshold Level
2:14 Body Scan
5:57 Diaphragmatic Breathing
7:25 Head Turn
8:03 Head Turn with Eyes Closed
8:46 Progression Tips
9:38 Diagonals
10:23 Diagonals with Eyes Closed
10:49 180 Degree Turn
11:42 360 Degree Turn
12:23 Walking Depth Deception
14:18 Overall Exercise Program Recommendations
15:18 Recommendations for Symptom Management

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Other videos in my Vestibular Rehab playlist that might be helpful for you:

Walking Videos:

Breathing Videos:

Balance Videos:

Here's to your healing, health and happiness!

** This content is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult a healthcare provider for guidance about any specific medical condition and before doing anything contained in these videos. The viewer is solely responsible for all outcomes of the use of this material.
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SOLVED …. So I had all the symptoms of PPPD. I’m male, 50 years old. Spend long hours in from of computer screens. Symptoms started about 2 years ago. Feeling of confusion, brain fog, unable to concentrate, poor memory. Then mild dizziness when walking especially corridors and the supermarket. Symptoms got worse, depression and very emotional. Jaw pain at my TMJ and incredible neck pain. Had MRI, CT, ear pressure test, eye test, changed glasses, dental checks etc. All cost me a small fortune. Tried stretches, yoga, meditation etc. nothing worked. THEN… by chance I had reason to close my ears with my fingers… symptoms reduced. So I wore earplugs and …. Symptoms reduced. Kept them on 24/7 for a week to get through the day. I still didn’t know why symptoms reduced. Took the ear plugs out it was like letting the devil back in. With the earplugs in whilst driving and pressed down on the plugs and symptoms reduced even more. Was convinced it was ears. So I watched a video on doing ear massage and stretching. When I pulled and stretched my ears, away from my nose line, and held them there for a minute, it was quite sore, the symptoms had reduced massively!! The pain in jaw / cheek had gone but my inner ear was very sore as I kept doing this all day. The next day all symptoms had gone by 90 percent but has very sore inner ears. I am now on day 3 and no dizziness etc but still quite sore inner ears and haven’t stretched them since. Please try this and reply if this worked for you. Go easy on the ears tho. Very gently pull and stretch them away from the side of your head. Please do reply if this works or not.


Your exercise, walking and looking at object on floor and then out a window in the distance reminds me of my first bad dizziness episode. I was walking in the woods with no established trail. Naturally I had to look up and down frequently to avoid obstacles. After 20 minutes of doing this I became very lightheaded. This kind of situation still results in symptoms.


I absolutely love your body scan, was like a guided meditation through my body. Your energy is contagious...thank you!!!


Ive been suffering tremendously for over a year and a half. I was also diagnosed with pppd. I’m on 5 different meds that are/were supposed to correct it but im still miserable. I’ve done months of acupuncture, i did vestibular therapy for a few months which didnt do anything. Nothing helps and it makes me job (im a construction worker) incredibly difficult and nobody has any clue that 80% of the day i feel like i just woke up on anestesia from surgery bc all the drugs im on and im STILL dizzy constantly, feels like im walking on a boat or jumping up and down constantly.

This condition is a silent killer bc it makes me suicidal, im never been more miserable. I just want it to stop! I cant take it any longer and NOTHING works 😩

I’m going to try this but i went to a clinic for months that specialized in “vestibular therapy” and all it did was make my symptoms worse but never got better… and i work 12 hours a day at 400+ feet elevation walking on pipes on construction sites.. its so awful, and i already lost 6months of pay last year bc i couldnt work.. i could barley walk let alone perform strenuous job duties on a construction site for 10-12 hours a day


Thankyou for this. Been needing this theraphy since accident 3 yrs ago. Thankyou.


Thank you so much for this 🌷
I'm suffering from PPPD for more than a year.
Checked with many doctors and no one diganonzed me with pppd

After research I discovered by my self that I have PPPD

I hope the problem resolve with this session.

Many thanks 🌷


Yes you can get better…but you have to believe it !!


All your exercises are amazing. Thank you !!


It was great.god bless you.thanku so much🙏🙏🙏🙏


I am 24 years old and I am suffering from PPPD and chronic vestibular migrain from past 5 years and it is continue. I am taking anti depressant medicines on a daily basis from past 5 years as doc has prescribed. Doc has told me that it is not curable and I have to take medicines. My life has become hell from past 5 years due to this and it is continuing. Today I saw this video. I am going to do these exercises....hope it will make my condition better.


Thank God that I get to clear my schedule and be able to to this after my long break exercising. I really felt that I need to go back on square one but I believe as I go I will be able to see the improvement s after weeks. Thank you very very much for this.


With this condition, having the constant non spinning dizziness, is it common to feel the effects of unsteadiness with eyes closed? I go back and forth between this video the beginner vestibular exercises and also the visually induced video. I sway pretty good after getting out of driving my car.
You're a rockstar for helping all of us!!


think that my issues seems like PPPV. It is exact symptoms I have. @ weeks ago I went to the ER thinking I had Coveid-19 so the Doctors ran labs test MRI etc and Covid test was negative. Well, they though I had another Stroke and was admitted overnight until my Doctor (Neurologists) said no I didn't have another stroke. They think I have BPPV but until I saw you video explain what a PPPV is I released here I go that exacting what I feel. So far I its been 3 weeks since I started feeling this and at the same time I got a very bad cold. Thank you for sharing. I am going to start doing the exercises. Thank you!


Dear Beth

I got my first vertigo back in May in my sleep. I had no other symptoms for about 2 weeks and then another vertigo in my sleep. Again no other symptoms other than mild balance issues for about a few days. I visited a VT and she suggested that I have BPPV. First test showed a horizantal nystagmus and she did BBQ roll. 3 days after the BBQ I had another vertigo in my sleep. I went back to her the next day but this time the test triggrered a severe vertigo with cercular nystagmus and she did epley. I was unable to walk right after the epley cause I felt so sick that day. My symptoms were improved in about 8 days at almost 90%. 4 weeks later while sitting at the beach on a hot humid day I had dizziness. It was not vertigo but severe rocking right left sensation. I hardly was able to walk to the ferry station. Since then I am having balance issues and dizzy when lying down in bed. I use 45 degree pillow. This morning I was dizzy when I woke up.

I told my VT that I might have VM rather than BPPV and she suggested very possible since I suffer from migraines for the last 7 years. My dizziness while walking (sensation of rocking right left, imbalance and fear of going to fall) is PPPV developed after VM episodes? If yes, would that be safe to bike?



Does anyone have anxiety associated with you as well, I have anxiety and I have constant neck tension or spasms in back of head, seems like with every heart beat they are like this. No real pain from it just tense all the time.. And this unbalanced feeling has progressed over the last year. Just came out of nowhere. Im gonna have a vng test soon. I missed the first two due to my anxiety. I've tried these exercises, but just make the unbalanced feeling way worse and take forever to go away


Thank you so much for doing one on pppd.🌸


Beth, you are a star. Thank you for this video. How many weeks do you recommend I do these exercises for? I have been diagnosed with PPPD.


I've been doing these exercises for more the 9 month and still no difference. I feel extremely worried that I'll be stuck with this condition for the rest of my life.


Have you been able to see people make a full recovery from PPPD?


Should I avoid listening to music when I'm doing these exercises?
