10 Perfect Movies With One Glaring Flaw

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Perfection just within reach...

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Fun fact: Alfred Hitchcock didn't initially intent to have that exposition scene but after a test screening a producer told him that most audiences would not be able to understand that twist and he needed to explain it entirely


While I do agree that Bruce's survival was a flaw, I don't agree that the Talia reveal wasn't the bigger problem. Not because of the Talia reveal itself, mind, but because it turned a (potentially) fantastic villain, on par with Heath Ledger's Joker I would argue, into little more than a henchman. Bane was menacing, physically imposing and brilliant. Matching or surpassing Batman himself in these respects. Diluting that was the true flaw in that movie, as far as I'm concerned


I always thought Alfred was imagining what he had always hoped for Bruce, kind of daydreaming.


Bruce survived the bomb blast, because he wasn't in the Bat. They shown in the film, he fixed the autopilot.


The Trevor Twist is pretty good actually. It debunks humanity's counterproductive need for a bogeyman and their disregard for the actual enemies.


I liked the Ewoks. And you're right the explanation on Norman's condition in Psycho isn't needed today. But remember that in 1960 mental disorders was stigmatized as just crazy. And not understood by general audiences. Without it, most people would assume it people would assume the movie turns into a ghost story and normal was possessed by his dead mother. Considering the change in his voice to a woman's. That's what my oldee brother assumed as a kid. 1960 was a backward time for mental health. It was needed.


I feel like the biggest flaw with Looper is that the telekinesis mutation was used as a means to an end to explain how the “Rainmaker” was able to come to power. I think it would have been way more interesting if he was a true sociopath that was a master manipulator to ascend the ranks in the organized crime world. The time travel was out there enough, the telekinesis was too far.


Batman v Superman was awesome all the way up until the movie actually started


Citizen Kane: no one was in the room when Kane dies and says “rose bud.” A big part of the film is people wondering what his final words meant.

There are theories that the butler was supposedly there but off screen and never shown. There is also mention that an early version of the script had the nurse sitting in the room when Kane died, rather than entering a moment later.


I enjoyed the twist in Iron Man 3. I did not see it coming and it made me laugh


lucious has a scene with the technicians and they explain that the autopilot was working. So it's not that much of a deal breaker. we can assume batman got out earlier than it's implied. I think having TDKR on here was abit nitpicky


The last act of Sunshine still rankles me. I loved the science-driven focus, and then it just turned into a slasher film. I really wish we had more hard science fiction movies.


Looper is an amazing movie, and the time travel is a great plot point. Definitely in my top 10 sci-fi flicks


😮how dare you 🥺 say bad things 😢about Ewoks😢 sweet alien bears!! I love them 🥹🥹😂😂


I'm a firm defender of the Trevor twist. Having Iron Man face off against the consequences of his former sins is much better than having him fight a magic chinese guy played by Ben Kingsley...They had to go big to swerve the Mandarin expectations


In 'Watchmen, ' the long-retired Dan has been dealing with impotence the whole movie. So I interpreted the sex scene, which comes right after he suits up again and rescues a bunch of people, as Dan getting his mojo back.


8:44 Actually, that is exactly why that weird out-of-place explanation scene is forced in at the end of Psycho. They didn't think most of the audience would understand the twist as they weren't common at the time. A lot of those early movies with twists were like that. If you want to see a really funny one, watch the Twilight Zone episode The Grave. The twist was pretty self explanatory but they had a character explain in in minute detail at the very end.


Wait...the time travel is the problem with Looper? I thought it was 'why does this time-travel movie also have telekinetic people?'


3:44 Batman didn't need to escape the explosion; he was never near it. He had mad Fox think the autodrive was not working so they would think he died in the blast but it was working so Batman didn't need to drive all the way out with the bomb.


The Dark Knight Rises is hardly a perfect movie without the ending.
