Denosumab Discontinuation

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Learn why there a rapid decline in bone density when Denosumab is discontinued as discussed by rheumatologist Chad Deal, MD.

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So The ones of us that unfortunately started the injections over 15 yrs ago have to continue getting the drug along with our other side effects like our teeth falling out, bone ailments, etc? Drug manufacturers should be held more accountable


Thanks, all! I go back to the endocrinologist next week to give my answer as to whether or not to begin Prolia. Great timing for me seeing this message. Ain’t a gonna do it!


I have gone from osteoporosis to ostoepenia with moderate amounts of calcium, vit D, vit K2, magnesium and boron. Boron is very important. That was the one thing I was totally depleted of. Then exercise. So important. Preferably as hard as you can take. A few repetitions with a heavy weight is better than 20 with a light weight. You have got to exercise. I don't take any of these drugs.


I rather enjoy my life today than try to save for tomorrow. No side effect whatsoever. Just continue to watch my steps and eat the best I can


Thanks for this. You have helped me make up my mind to decline the treatment!


I'm about to stop prolia because after 4 years, my bone density got worse. Worst drug ever.


I have been on Prolia (denosunab) prescribed by Cleveland Clinic for one year. I was not told about this decline in BMD inthe event of discontinuation. Also another endocrinologist has told me that if you delay an injection for much more than 6 months you will see some of this decline in BMD. Despite this my last Prolia injection was delayed over a month by the Cleveland Clinic due to "staffing issues." And it took the CC 9 months to get approval to start me on this treatment. I would not call this "world class care."


I have been on it for several years. No side affects but if I knew what I know now, I would have never started. Stuck with it! Ugh!


Dr. Deal, You show on slide one, there was an increase in bone density in the lumbar spine of 6.5% in two years, then a loss of the total amount over the next 12 months. The bone density then rises up to about 1% from month 36 through 48. Were the subjects in this study reintroduced to another drug from months 36 to 48, or were all osteoporosis drugs, discontinued? Appreciate your clarification. 😄 James


I went off Prolia after only one injection but did not do a relay drug. It's been 18 months since i went off and I'm scared. I didn't even have osteporosis!!!! Doc didn't tell me the side effects or how to get off. I have pain all over right now trying to figure things out. Even doctors don't know what's going on.


Doctors should explain the pros and cons . And after that one needs to do his research. Unfortunately i took the first injection before doing some research and i m stopping it. Seeking the best way to do it


I refuse to take Prolia. Too many side effects.


Need to develop more drugs that work without those side effects. Yikes! I was just diagnosed with -2.5 TScore. My lumbar spine is the problem. Tried oral bisphosphonates and had horrible nausea. Dr agreed we needed to stop it. Will try Zoleonic acid but not yet. I am 68 and don’t want a lifetime of side effects. Doing everything else right but will start medication in a year or so. I already have problems with nausea and don’t want to make it disabling


Но ведь можно после пяти лет приёма пролиа, закрепить результат бисфосфонатами.... В России делают именно так и нет никакого снижения плотности костей, после отмены пролиа.


I take this for two years because of my lung tumour which started from giant tumour of the femur afyer being on surgery. I do have some rash now in the inferiir sidw of the hips. This is for the lung nodules to stagnate, but i dont want it anymore. I do have pain in bones, .but there is no other treatment.


Thank you for the informations. I've listen to your video concerning taking Prolia but my question is do I have a choice??? I had breast cancer at 72 years and now I have to take tamoxifen. My oncologist is concern about my osteoporosis and started me on Prolia because my score is -2.7 in hip-neck 5 months ago. Spine is ok with -1.9. I'm doing exercise for osteoporosis mostly squats every two days and do treadmill or walk and taking vitamine D and calcium. I'm seeing my oncologist in a month. I don't like to argue with a specialist but I'm concern about the effects of prolia after 3 years. Do you have any suggestions?


I DID ONE SHUT, and I wouldn't do it anymore .


You forgot to mention that denosumab causes hypothyroidism. You forgot to point out that the bone matter built up is brittle. What are we gaining here?


Hello Dr. Deal - You made the comment about talking to your patients “so when denosumab is started, I always remind the patient that it’s forever”. I think you might be talking in hyperbole because it's absolutely not true. I have attended multiple trainings from experts like Dr. John Bilezikian, Dr. Michael McClung (whose study you reference), Dr. Serge Ferrari, as well as the studies you reference here in your presentation. Those studies show a rebound effect that lasts for about a year and can be mitigated by taking either Alendronate or ReClast or both. Yes, you will lose about 5% or ½ T-score in that year period for long term denosumab users, but you can gain multiple T-scores being on denosumab. And to be clear on some of the other points you make about fractures after stopping denosumab, those are only prevalent if you do not follow with a bisphosphonate.


What is the truth about Prolia ? I was prescribed to take it but with all the mentioned side effects I am having second thoughts ….
