Black History: Why Black Africans Were Viewed as a Threat

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Why Black Africans and Black Culture Were Viewed as a Threat | Black History

The perception of Black Africans and Black Culture as a threat stems from misunderstanding and misinterpretation. European colonizers wrote a flawed version of African history, changing historical, social, and cultural facts.

The factual Black History and Black literature were completely ignored. This view often resulted from a lack of understanding and a desire to maintain power dynamics during periods of colonialism and enslavement.

As the uncensored hidden Black history reveals, the resilience of Black Africans in the face of oppression posed a threat to systems built on exploitation. The strength of Black culture and its traditions, including music, and spirituality, defied attempts to erase Black African identity and instilled a sense of unity and resistance.

Black culture's emphasis on communal bonds and collective strength challenged established norms, leading to a perception of threat among those in power. This perception was further perpetuated by Black literature, which often exposed the harsh realities of racial discrimination and colonial violence.

Watch this video to really change how you think about European colonizers and how their paranoia last to this day.

0:00 Reports and Evidence on Black Africans Viewed as Threat
1:18 1. Fear of Losing Partners To Black Africans
2:39 2. Physical Superiority of Black Africans
3:56 3. Fear of Genetic annihilation
5:43 4. Fear of Extinction
6:57 5. Fear of being replaced
7:59 6. Inferiority complex
9:11 7. Fear of Losing white supremacy


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Horrific Sights of Slave Breeding Farms and Huts During Slavery | Black Culture | Black History:

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Thank you so much for your support everyone! This helps us research and make more insightful videos for you to build a strong community. ❤


If we all came together what a force we could be 🙏🏽


We must continue to educate our children on Black History, Be Black, Be Proud, Be Strong ✌🏾


Man…I’m hoping they are watching this and understanding that we are just trying to stay out of the way and pursue happiness. All I want is to provide for my family and enjoy the life I have.


I’m so glad I found this video. My mom was telling me black history that the books or mainstream media never talk about. I found a lot of black history mind blowing


We are strong in many ways, I believe the only treat we have as black people is divided, hatred toward one another


Because black People are the original People. ❤


FINALLY!!! Someone said it! As a white person, I think black people are the most forgiving, the kindest, and the most physically superior human EVER… How they didn’t let us live as much as horrible shit we did, it’s beyond me… 🙏🏻


Yes, i’d like to see more videos like this and thank you for this one. Black education is sorely needed in our community. If we knew our history we would demonstrate more pride. At least I felt black & proud.


Why Hate:
1. Fear of losing partner.
2. Physical Superiority.
3. Fear of genetic annihilation.
4. Fear of extinction.
5. Fear of being replaced.
6. The inferiority complex.
7. Fear of losing privilege.


Don’t let their insecurities define your confidence 🙏😇🥰😍


They also hate the fact that no matter what the circumstances, we still persevere.


I don't see us black people a threat we are just like any other human being trying to survive and be content with daily life and take care of our love ones


I feel powerful watching this type of content. Please make more uplifting AND also informative videos like this. Thank you.


I thank you for this program and channel. As a 74 year old white man raised 10 miles south of Atlanta GA, I have seen a lot of History in my time here. The information confirms my belief that the fear of Peoples of Color, that I have felt but didn’t understand, has been explained in a clear History of the Fear and the Explanation of the Roots of that Fear. Thank you


REAL TALK. I'm so glad that someone else can see what I knew to be true for along time now !!! Thank you so much and keep up the good work, Reach one and teach one, We have to stick together,


By us knowing they wanna keep us divided we need to come together as a whole and put our differences aside get organized so we can make it happen


It has nothing to do with black people it’s our dna our spiritual bloodline 😊


I’m convinced they are afraid we’ll absorb them on a genetic level.


We are more dangerous to our selves now more than we have to worry about them we devide our selves with the stupid things we do now
