Pure OCD: What Is Pure Obsessional OCD?

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Pure Obsessional OCD, also known as Pure O, is an OCD subtype that—despite its name—DOES involve compulsions. In Pure O, the compulsions primarily happen in someone’s mind rather than through their visible actions. In this video, Dr. Patrick McGrath provides an overview of Pure O, some of its common symptoms, and how to find treatment and support if you or a loved one are struggling.

If you or a loved one is struggling with Pure O, know there is help. NOCD Therapists specialize in OCD, deeply understand all of its subtypes, and receive specialized training in ERP therapy, the gold-standard treatment for OCD.

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This is ridiculous no one should have to suffer through this its literally hell on earth we will fight this though 🙏


Thanks for mentioning the research component, this is my biggest issue and I dont hear about it so much


Researching including staying up way too late to watch these helpful videos to learn more, and feeling compelled to comment ;) Thank you for your video, I'm not in the US but have downloaded the app now!


I have this shit and it destroyed my life. I'm on my way to recovery, but it took a long way to find a psquiatrist who understood what I was having.


Thank you Dr. Is it possible to be high functioning and have Pure O? I'm highly doubting I even have Pure OCD but exhibit many symptoms such as hand washing, constant rumination, fear of uncertainty, and themes I'm dealing with are existential and real event/moral scrupulocity. Except, because I'm functioning in school and pursuing a side hustle and making time for my health, I often doubt I have OCD and often tell myself I'm making excuses for the real event thoughts I'm having that are causing an immense amount of guilt and anxiety. In essence, I've been obsessing over whether or not I even have OCD or if my thoughts/concerns should be taken seriously. Thank you.


How do I know if I have pure O vs rumination due to chronic anxiety and depression?
Thank you
