Mormon Gaslighting: The Hill Cumorah

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I don’t know who the woman in this video is, but she is one of the most brazen gaslighting Mormon apologists on TikTok. There is no way this woman did ANY amount of research on this subject to come to this conclusion. That means she is INTENTIONALLY misleading people about what Mormon church leaders said about the Hill Cumorah.

Numerous leaders of the Mormon Church have taught since the earliest days of the Church that the Hill Cumorah in New York (the very same Hill Cumorah that Joseph Smith claimed he retrieved the gold plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated from) is the same Hill Cumorah which is mentioned in the Book of Mormon in Mormon 6:2 ( And I, Mormon, wrote an epistle unto the king of the Lamanites, and desired of him that he would grant unto us that we might gather together our people unto the land of Cumorah, by a hill which was called Cumorah , and there we could give them battle. ) where (if you do the math) at least 230,000 men died in battle using steel weapons and armor.

However, this battle was about one tenth the size of the battle which took place at the same exact location approximately 1,000 years earlier when, according to Ether 15:2 "nearly two millions " of the Jaredites had their last great battle, also using steel weapons and armor.

Many self-proclaimed Book of Mormon scholars have told me over the years that "we don't really know the exact location of the Hill Cumorah spoken of in the Book of Mormon." The obvious reason they want to deny that Joseph Smith's Hill Cumorah is the same one that is mentioned in the Book of Mormon is simple; there is literally not a trace of evidence to support the claim that 2,230,000 men died in battle using steel weapons and armor at the tiny hill now owned by the LDS Church in the State of New York called Cumorah.

However, you will see by the quotes that I easily found, that many Mormon Church leaders have taught (and continue to teach) that over 2,230,000 men did indeed die at the Hill Cumorah in New York.

Don’t take the word of Mormon apologists or so-called, “anti-Mormons,” investigate the quotes in this video for yourself and figure out who is lying to you.

Text me 24 hours a day if you have any questions: (801) 971-8661

Mike Norton
aka NewNameNoah
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So glad to see our regularly scheduled content! Get ‘em NNN.


Now they just need to rewrite the Book of Abraham.


Wow! That was difficult to understand. So many false statements. For me, I loved 'The Singing Nuns', performing "Dominique" in, I think, the 60's? My lovely friend, who left the LDS Church close to 2.5 years ago, is shocked at the lies she was told. I've assured her that I don't feel angry at how she tried to pull me in. I'm just grateful that she was saved from a difficult relationship with the church & her husband.


This is incredible Mormon news.
(News of the Deseret)
the coming,
80 Billion dollar
Mormon Museum

The Mormon church has
Eighty BILLION dollars set aside for the new history museum
that will be built.

It will be
the most amazing building yet built on earth!

80, 000 millions yes,
which is 80 billion dollars,

One building
in a 2 block property doesn't yet exist today
nor has one EVER existed,

that's how INCREDIBLE
this building and property is going to be.

And get this,
it only takes up two full Salt Lake City blocks
the 180 acre X 2
parking lots with shuttle and valet services, including walking escalators.
( like a super airport )

Of which will be more modern, than even the Salt Lake City International Airport by far,
that is being constructed today. This slc airport will not be finished til the year 2027.

So incredible, and amazing,
this Mormon museum is going to be,

that even
the most
critically skeptical,
will walk out
and will be baptized
by the teams of priests

along the
aisles and escalators
to and from the
200 baptismal pools

to accommodate the incredible awakenings of the masses
as they exit the building,

that will take place in this
Mega- multi-billion dollar history facility.

It's going to be absolutely the most incredible facility of any kind anyone has
EVER SEEN on earth.

The Mormon church has had all of the permits in place,

the full eighty billion set aside already,
in gold-bullion,
( Now estimated to have
increased in value )
they are just waiting to break ground on this momentous mega project now since 2010.


" This is the most stupendous feat
about to
be implemented and realized

Nothing as immense as this,
has ever been built in our entire human history on earth "

And in the museum,
Just like in the bible,
( The pre, and post, history
of Jesus' arrival and
his life on earth )

There was also
a history here in the America's which is detailed in the book of mormon.

History going back some six thousand years.

In the bible,
there is mentions of:
Artifacts that are too numerous to mention here.

The book of mormon
HAS WRITINGS OF THE “SAME“ as-mentioned-in-the-
yet , ,
right here in the Americas:


are going to be on-display for the public to see.

To help the people to lay aside their

and the


So convincing the tour,
that teams
of baptismal pools
with ordained
priests and Latter Day Saint Staff,

will be on hand
to baptize these people
as they exit this magnificent place.

It's now been just over ten years since acquiring the permits as well the funds to spearhead this momentous project,

the only thing holding up the ground breaking ;

Right here,
in the Wasatch mountains are mud silt quarries

that date back some seven million years. Solid evidence you can see and touch.

Time cannot erase their
pre-existing history.

The not too ancient beaches next to the utah state Capitol date back some ten thousand years for all to see and touch.

This museum will display unearthed relics from the America’s.

The very artifacts mentioned in the Book of Mormon:

The project is, and has been,
on hold,
they are waiting,
they are waiting for?

The Mormon church
and it's hired
teams of archeologists, and scientists,

have yet, ,
to find one-relic-
mentioned in the book of Mormon.

Not even one river,
that is
mentioned-in-the-book has been found.

The Mormon leaders are just baffled, as to
how the markings on the earth
of a "river"
can disappear from the face of the earth?

Mormon leaders are now saying,
“God intervened”

and took those

the rivers,
along with the gold plates,
back to heaven.

It's the only explanation.

So til they find
one -relic-artifact,
there will be no Mormon history building/Facility.

So today,
the Mormon Church encourages the public

to read the Book of Mormon and then pray,

and that a God will tell them in their heart

that regardless of any actual lack evidence
of the Book Of Mormon’s writings,
that Mormonism is true.

Good day my fellow Christian.
Johhn Bee Hincklee
Mormmon President and
Latter day Prophetic


What is this song you used? i love it. please <3


The irony of it all ... the song in the background is about the inquisitor Dominic - the hammer of the heretics. The song is about his work against the Albergenisian heresy


To me, joey smith was like a Steven King, (with lots of imagination) a good story teller and with his witch craft upbringing, being around and becoming a freemason, and reading the book view of the Hebrews he came up with his books and lies proving that in the Bible Jesus warned us of false prophets! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


The Singing Nuns reminded me of my mother who was Canadian French and listened to their albums until converting to the LDS church in 1966. I liked living a normal life and decided at 10 to convert also. I did not want to go through the hell I knew my father was capable of. There was enough of that without contradicting his new found religion.
I think it would be really enlightening to display a video or some sort of documentation on the second set of endowments that very few mormons ever experience. Anyone that has read about the freemasons or the books written by the 33rd degree masons will know what's about. I'm sure there are faithful mormons that have figured it out but are in denial.


My grandma Kimball was raised close to the "hill" and was ALWAYS taught that THAT WAS the hill. In fact, I still have pressed dried leaves that she collected from there and laminated on cards so that we could all have an "artifact" from the "sacred hill".


What would Brother Nick say about this?


I’m gonna say she’s lying, because she can’t be that ignorant if she’s actually studied the history of her church doctrine.


As long as you don’t speak or understand French, it’s a beautiful song.


Fun fact: the Singing Nun (Jeanne-Paule Marie "Jeannine" Deckers) came out as a lesbian and left Holy Orders and the Catholic church, and she and her partner committed suicide together.

Also, I don't think "gaslighting" means what you think it means.


1 TikTok gaslighter disliked this video


Oh Please, Joseph NEVER said where the Book of Mormon took place. It was two of the brethren working on the news paper that printed Central America. NOT JOSEPH! All evidence member and non member has been in north east quadrant of the United States. And the local American natives tells stories of where their ancestors came from, from the east by turtle boats (St. Lawrence)


Love the French music and the fact that 11 people disliked the video is very funny.. facts are facts aka the truth, so who are you 11 people that dislike the truth?


She may be lying, but im pretty sure gaslighting is when you dismiss someone by calling them stupid or crazy. She isnt doing that and i would even hesitate to call her a liar. She may have been fed false information by lds historians for example


So kamora is Antalope island now huh with roaming Buffalo


Ole smoking Joe must have called all his women Orah 😜


She seems excited lie to you not a cult sure. Reminds me old Paul hey how about video?
