Mark Vins | Brave Wilderness | Talks at Google
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Emmy Award-winning wildlife and adventure filmmaker Mark Vins discusses his YouTube channel Brave Wilderness, and how he uses his platform to spotlight climate conversation through adventure and storytelling.
Mark Vins is the co-founder of the Brave Wilderness YouTube channel. Launched in 2014 with Coyote Peterson, the channel has become a global sensation growing to nearly 20 million subscribers with over 4 billion views. Mark began his career behind the camera as a cinematographer, quickly developing his own unique flare for presentation and storytelling. In addition to continuing to produce content for the Brave Wilderness channel, he also hosts a variety of programs featuring travel adventures, shark diving, and of course—the wildlife content that made Brave Wilderness the sensation it is today.
Moderated by Jaya Adapa.
Mark Vins is the co-founder of the Brave Wilderness YouTube channel. Launched in 2014 with Coyote Peterson, the channel has become a global sensation growing to nearly 20 million subscribers with over 4 billion views. Mark began his career behind the camera as a cinematographer, quickly developing his own unique flare for presentation and storytelling. In addition to continuing to produce content for the Brave Wilderness channel, he also hosts a variety of programs featuring travel adventures, shark diving, and of course—the wildlife content that made Brave Wilderness the sensation it is today.
Moderated by Jaya Adapa.
SPIKED by Sharpest Lizard on Earth! (Thorny Devil)
$100 Coffee vs. 1¢ Coffee - Which actually tastes better?
STUNG by a Giant Scorpion!
Struggling to get the Selfie Everyone Wants! (Not a Giant Rat)
STUNG by a Bullet Ant! (Truth Revealed)
Deadly Bite!? Blue Ring Octopus
STUNG by a Stonefish! (Rare Freshwater Version)
STUNG Twice - Scorpion Fish vs Lionfish!
Blinding Bug Sprays ACID at Eyes!
STUNG by a Man O' War Jellyfish!
Eel with DOUBLE JAWS has one Nasty Bite!
BITTEN by a Tarantula!
Armored Lizard BITES HARD!
Rolling Off a Mountain in an Inflatable Ball!
EATEN ALIVE by a Bobbit Worm!
BITTEN by the BLACK FLAME Centipede! (Instant Regret)
BITTEN by the BIGGEST ANT in the World!
Exploring Haunted Island for Hidden Secrets!
Appear on Brave Wilderness!
Finding Honey Possums in Australia!
SPIKED by an Echidna!
BURNED by a Giant Fireworm!