Extremophiles: Organisms That Live in Extremely Cold, Hot, Acidic, or Salty Environments | GEO GIRL

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Did you know organisms can not only survive in extreme environments, but thrive! Low temperature or cold loving organisms are called psychrophiles; high temperature loving organisms are called thermophiles and those that love extremely high temperature are calle hyperthermophiles, we talk in the video about the temperature range for each of these groups of organisms. We also discuss the adaptations that thermophiles & psychrophiles employ to be able to survive and maintain their cell structure in such environments. But extremophiles are not limited to extreme temperatures, some extremophiles love acidic or basic environments called acidophiles and alkaliphiles. However, both acidophiles and alkaliphiles must maintain near neutral internal pH even though they can handle extremely low and high pH in their external environment. Many alkaliphiles are also halophiles, meaning they love salt. These salt loving organisms can live in hypersaline lakes, soda lakes, brine, and some even love suger too, called osmophiles and those that love dry environments are called xerophiles. The last category of extremophile involved oxygen concentrations. Some organisms live in environments with low oxygen concentrations, called microaerophiles, some live in environments with no oxygen, called anaerobes. Anaerobes that can tolerate some oxygen are aerotolerant, while anaerobes that cannot tolerate oxygen are obligate anaerobes. Facultative aerobes are organisms that can grow in either oxic or anoic environments.

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0:00 Temperature limits for life
2:28 Cold loving organisms
4:01 Cold tolerant organisms
4:54 Psychrophile adaptations
6:40 Heat loving organisms
7:58 Thermophile & hyperthermophile adaptations
8:33 pH limits for life
9:04 Acid loving organisms
9:21 Alkaline loving organisms
9:39 Extracellular vs intercellular pH limits
10:38 Salinity limits for life
11:30 Salt loving organisms
12:13 Oxygen loving organisms
13:26 Oxygen hating organisms
15:02 Related videos & references!

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Loved this video !!! Extremophiles are such an amazing group of organisms.
I'm glad you took the time to shed some light on them because in the end, we all likely evolved from an ancient ancestor of today's extremophiles, either near a anoxic deep ocean hydrothermal vent or a halophillic shallow ocean pool.


Its interesting that the maximum temperature organisms can tolerate is significantly more extreme than the minimum, compared to >100 Celsius, <0 Celsius is pretty tame


Goldfish are facultative anaerobes. They, along with some other carp, can switch to anaerobic metabolisms. In the winter when the surface of their pond freezes to a solid sheet of ice, the ice can block oxygen from entering the water. Other fish will die when the water runs out of dissolved oxygen. But the goldfish switch to anaerobic metabolism, which also creates alcohol as a waste product in their bodies, to the level they would be over the blood alcohol limit to be able to legally drive. Be glad that goldfish don't have cars.


I was "the anaerobe guy" in a regional reference microbiology lab. Oh, the smells!


Impressive summary of extremophiles, GG :) I keep reading on these and get fascinated by enzymes that these extremophiles might harbor. I recently read about EAMs, or electroactive microbes. They exhibit extracellular electron transport with minerals/metal surfaces to drive their energy requirements. I would love if you would make a video on them since they also have been found in extreme conditions :)


Wow, how remarkable that some organisms can survive in such environments. Just goes to show how resilient life can be. Another interesting topic and educational video Rachel. You never let me down with your absolutely incredible videos. I hope you’re having a Happy Easter my friend. 😊❤😉👍


Wow Rach, your speedy speaking works great to keep my pace as I listen while walking 😅. 🏃‍♀️


Interesting to see archaea mentioned for once
They always talk about bacteria when it comes to microbial life in either the present or the past and archaea pretty much get neglected
For example, they always talk about how cyanobacteria spewed out all this oxygen that caused the GOE, but how are we so sure it were cyanobacteria or cyanobacteria alone? Have halobacteria never played a role in this? I mean they emit oxygen as well, right?


Wonderful video...👌👌👌 very very very nice...👍👍👍


This video needs some love and since I ❤️ GEO GIRL I’ll watch it.


Ah, the joys of such studies! Welcome to the Fart Lab!


Love the video! Made work that much more bearable. Physics girl watch out, GEO girl is in her way up.


nice cat I've spot her at the beginning of video when she's bumping wall with head (yeah I know there is some bowl but it looks like). personally I so understand her :) it's not boring but I fell a sleep while listening of some your old videos


Thank u so much. Really helpful👍🏻. Please do continue Geo Girl


Amazing video Geo girl! Hope you are doing great 😊👍


You said it gets 110 down here where you live where is that? Just curious I’m up in Illinois the winters here suck


Thanks for posting in metric but aren't you American? Or Canadian?


So we’re just and inside out run, ripple, run system with a sediment basin… hmmm the pattern persists.


Hi GeoGirl, where is my clay minrallssss😃😃🙃
