Robert Eisenmann on Jesus' brother James

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Robert Eisenman is an American biblical scholar, theoretical writer, historian, archaeologist, and "road" poet. He is currently Professor of Middle East Religions, Archaeology, and Islamic Law and director of the Institute for the Study of Judaeo-Christian Origins at California State University Long Beach.

Eisenman led the campaign to free up access to the Dead Sea Scrolls in the 1980s and 90s, and, as a result of this campaign, is associated with the theory that combines Essenes with Palestinian messianism (or what some might refer to as "Palestinian Christianity") — a theory opposed to establishment or consensus scholarship.

Before this, Eisenman spent five years "on the road" in the United States, Europe, and the Middle East as far as India, encapsulating all these things in his poetic travel Diario (1959–62), published in 2007 by North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California and called The New Jerusalem, in which he describes the San Francisco "Beat" scene in 1958–59, Paris when still a "moveable feast", working on kibbutzim in Israel, the Peace Corps, and several voyages on the overland route to India.
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God bless this man. He says one thing that all Christians should take to heart; read Acts, Galatians and the "letters" for yourself!


Obviously the Christianity of today has departed so far away from the teachings of Jesus. How far have Christians gone astray. You can’t run away from history.


James was not happy with Paul. This was Schism #1 of thousands to this day.


"THE PROBLEM IS PEOPLE NEED TO READ FOR THEMSELVES". Call him out on the content of what he says, its all factual. James the Just, Essenes, Nazarites, Sicarii, Zealots all make for interesting study and contemplation free from dogmatic limitations..


Most of the Christians I know are VERY familiar with Paul's letter to the Galatians, but they are invested in Paul's view of Jesus and therefore side with Paul on the issue of keeping the Law. As Paul said, if you can be "saved" by keeping the Law, then Jesus is unnecessary. The problem is not Christian ignorance of the contents of Galatians but rather their investment in the doctrine that we are saved by faith without the works of the Law. If you believe that, then those who promote Law-keeping have to be seen as the bad guys.


Truly amazing presentation. One of the BEST Youtube videos I have ever watched. Thank you so much. I do hope Robert does more such presentations in future


I bought Eisenmans 'James the brother of Jesus' book about two years ago. As soon as I had finished it I started it again it is so fascinating.

Being as much about Christianities origins and the internecine squabbles between James 'Torah/law' faction and Paul's 'anything goes' one as it is about James himself makes it one of the most fascinating Theology books I've ever read and I would advise anyone interested in Western Theology to buy it.

I found on early (luckily enough) that it is invaluable to have a copy of the Bible, Josephus' 'Antiquities', a book collection of the Dead sea scrolls and the (sadly for me only online copies) of the 'Pseudo-Clementines' (as well as many other authors writings I don't have) to 'fact check' the information contained, it really pulls away the veil of Roman dogma that Western Christianity (of all denominations, Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox etc.) had drawn across the battle for the two competing versions of the emerging religion, and puts the then beloved James (who after Jesus died actually led the movement/religion for 30+ years from his Jerusalem base) back as the rightful heir to the emerging religion that his brother Jesus had previously led.

It also details the sad events that led an initially pro-Jewish group (that included Gentiles) to eventually became an anti-Semitic religion after the Romans destroyed Jerusalem as well as Judea itself.

Using the writings from 'Church fathers', Josephus, and the Dead sea scrolls it cuts through 2000 years of excepted dogma to show us how characters like Saul\Paul went from being the groups number one enemy to convert and eventually a rabble rouser who tore the movement apart, in the first of it's many dogmatic splits
As I said above, this is THE book for those interested in Western Theology, making this the best religious read of the 3rd millennium so far.


It is good to put a face to the name. Thank you Robert Eisenman


I like Eisenmann. He's a bit nutty, but he is passionate and I think he's on to something.


6:47 onwards
why the censorship? what did robert say that the uploader didnt like?


I admire the scholarship of this man. He is brilliant.


I especially appreciate your broad knowledge and how you got there.


Eisenman's book is an excellent read. He looks at the Maccabeans, the Essenes, the Talmud, the Torah, Josephus, the Bible and also the Dead Sea Scrolls. What he has established for me is that James the Just was a messianic figure. This means that Jesus and Thomas, twin younger brothers, were greatly infuenced by their older brother.


Reza Aslan's "Zealot" is also an excellent book.
It is impossible to underestimate the role of Saul/Paul in the rebranding of the Jesus cult. The gospels were written by the Paulines.


All these Christians commenting hating on Paul, but would they really want to be part of a non inclusive jewish sect? Pauls christianity was the inclusive one and the reason for its expansion


24:10 "When you read the material yourself, you'll say, 'Hey, this guy's as bad as Eisenmann!'". 😆 A scholar and a comedian. Paul is full of vitriol in Galations it is very apparent.


Why would Paul need to teach circumcision when his ministry is to gentiles? During the Jerusalem council in the book of Acts, James is clearly in charge and prescribes for Gentiles something very much like the Noahide laws. How was Paul not consistent in his Gospel to the gentiles with that? James and Peter were sent to their fellow Jews, and Paul to the gentiles. Two very different agendas really.


When I first tried to grasp the NT and encountered Paul, I ran back to the OT. After a first trying to deal with the DSS, I thought right away that Paul was the lier spouter. I also conducted a study on Pontius Pilot. You have do the reading yourself, as you so rightly suggest. It is, however, no small task to take on this literature of this depth.


I'm grateful for being privy to attend a few of Professor Eisemann's class in 90's upon his invitation after purchasing his well documented and researched book on James the borther of Jesus which open so many doors of critically understanding Judeo-christian origins. Now it's easier to grasp or better comprehend the geopolitical atmosphere on how Christianity actually evolved and important characters like James that played a more substantial role in the ministry of his famous brother Jesus after the crucifixion. So sad that modern Christian will have no clue on what actually transpired as opposed to embracing the pro-pauline and Petrine doctrines that have dominated the religious thought process for over 2000 years. Keep up the good work Professor Eisemann!


Wow 7:05 as soon as he says "The narrative changes, " there's a cut....huh?? Why?