Captain America: Civil War (2016) Blu-ray CLIP | The Sokovia Accords & 'Vigilantes' (Scene) | HD

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Captain America: Civil War (2016) Blu-ray CLIP | The Sokovia Accords & 'Vigilantes' (Scene) | HD
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I love how this scene manages to portray that all these battles we originally saw as cool and fun would be f’ing terrifying from ground level, like 9/11 on steroids.


"In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually they will hate you."
-Green Goblin (2002)


Ross had no business lecturing, after his attempts to capture the Hulk..😂


Tony is sitting away from his team. I found this interesting because it's not like there is no space at the table. He chooses to sit away from them like he feels uncomfortable with them.


RIP William Hurt, the one and only Thunderbolt Ross ⚡


I think it's a brilliant scene but it's really lacking a bit more pushback from the Avengers, to be honest. It is absolutely hysterical that Hydra were looking to kill scores of millions, yet Ross and co penalise Steve, Sam and Natasha (in regards to the Helicarriers only) for 208 deaths? Similarly I always laughed at how neither Sam (he's from Lousiana in the MCU but Harlem in the comics) nor Cap nor anyone calls Ross out for his '30 megaton nuke comment' for his direct involvement in setting abomination and the Hulk against each other in Harlem (in literally the previous film Ross was in before this) and then they sit silent about the World Security Council having twice tried to fire a nuke at New York (once succeeding but failing, thankfully, to hit NY thanks to Tony, hilariously, one of the Avengers being condescended) in an effort to kill Loki and the Chitauri that would have guaranteed killed all 8 million people in New York, as the screen reads that there were...88 casualties in the battle of New York.


It's a little detail but I love how much Steve cares for Wanda at 2:22. He already knows just how deeply the Lagos incident affected her especially after the very recent discussion they had in her room. Of course she'd still be sensitive to footage and news that explicitly display the lives that were lost. Telling Ross that they had seen enough was touching because Steve didn't want Wanda to be reminded of that dreadful mission when she's already been losing sleep over it.


Avengers: *save the days*
Government: and I took that personally
Avengers: didn't you try to nuke the city?
Government: so you have chosen death


I find it weird how Ross basically compared living, thinking beings to nuclear bombs, but where his mind lyes, it's warranted.


I love how Ross is so biased, and hypocritical with New York. He uses it as an example of the Avengers being unchecked and uses one shot of Hulk fighting because of his history with him. That wasn't there fault, a literal Demi-God unleashed an army of aliens that would of wiped out most of the planet. Not to mention, the military plan was to straight up nuke New York. Ross also isn't clean as he experimented with a super soldier and accidentally created Abomination, which proceeded to go on rampage in the city. Love it.


I like how their blamed for New York and Washington when they weren't at all responsible for either


Imma just place this here for no reason at all other than I need to get this off my mind:
Starting after 2:24…
Steve: Ok. That’s enough
Tony: Actually, why don’t we keep going? *starts hacking the screen like in Iron Man 2 and shows other clips*, so let’s go back to New York where I do believe…is that the nuke you guys sent to take out New York I’m carrying into space?
Ross: Stark-
Tony: Oh and while we’re talking about incidents you caused but are blaming us for…*pulls up images of all corrupt politicians from Winter Solider*, could you tell me again, what were the positions held by these individuals?
Ross: Stark that’s enough-
The Avengers: *smirk*
Tony: Oh and my personal favourite…*pulls up image of abomination vs hulk* now I’m hazy on the details but isn’t that ugly mess going up against Banner, Emil Blonsky? He’s one of your guys right Ross?
Tony: Yes. I agreed that we, The Avengers need to be kept in check. And yes, there needs to be someone to hold us accountable. But are you actually suggesting that the best people to do that is…you guys?! I mean dude, you’ve had dumb ideas before *nods towards abomination* but really?! No, here’s what I’m proposing.
*slides a large folder across the table to Ross labeled THE ILLUMINATI*

(Honestly I don’t know why I put this up, but this has been on my mind for a while and it was driving me nuts


RIP Willam Hurt...Too bad we never got to Red Hulk in MCU.


RIP William Hurt (March 20, 1950 – March 13, 2022), aged 71
You will always be remembered as a legend.


This is when the MCU still had consistent writing


Wondering where Banner is… ok I get that. But Thor? He’s not a US citizen. He’s not a citizen of Earth. It’s NOYB.


Ross was super arrogant to ask where Thor would be and thinking he could control him since that guy is a demigod from a different planet.


The Thor is a literal GOD. Nerfed asf but Midgard is the past realm he's concerned about. He Captain Marveled.


Subtitles: "If I misplaced a couple of 30 megaton eunuchs..."

wait what


“Tell me captain do you know where Thor and Banner are”
Me: ahhhh nice try, you ain’t getting hulk
