IISS Special Presentation with US Secretary of Defense Mark T. Esper

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In a wide-ranging discussion, US Secretary of Defense Dr Mark Esper outlined the US vision for how to advance security and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific. He explained the initiatives and military developments that it is working on as part of the three pillars of its Indo-Pacific Strategy, which are based on preparedness, strengthening partnerships and promoting a more networked region. He also called on Beijing to ‘abide by the international laws and norms that China – and the Chinese people – have benefited greatly from over the years’, after describing a ‘catalogue of bad behaviour’ on China’s part.
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US. and other Nations in API have given this big China great opportunity to be a "role model nation" in the area, BUT the CCP didn't care about it. The CCP chose to be a "Dominant and Aggressor". However, It broke the common rules and now it have to pay for it. We support Mr. Secretary Esper.


Summary speech from minute 3 to 17:
u.s. navy doesn't like chinese behavior so much, and is seeking a broad coalition of other navy's military's in the region to oppose this bad boy behavior.

Implied Threat:
be nice china!. or the u.s. will assemble a 'coalition of the willing' against your navy.

Assessment of Message:
IT is remarkable that the u.s. secretary of defense now sounds a lot more like a u.s. secretary of state, than a military leader.

Personal Thoughts:
Well done Secretary Esper, you make Americans and people around the world proud and confident that internationalism will help prevent nuclear world war 3, which would be bad for everyone.


God bless us navy for peace keeping mission in indo Pacific Ocean Ocean
