Grammar: 6 ways to use WILL

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Is "will" only used to talk about the future? Yes. But there are many different contexts and uses of "will" that you might not be familiar with. Do you know what the difference is between "will" and "be going to"? These two are often confused, but you can learn how to use them correctly by watching this lesson. I will teach you six different ways you can use "will": future intentions, promises, predictions, confirmations of place and time, order of events, and goodbyes. Take this essential lesson, and never be confused between "will" and "be going to" again.


Hey, everyone. I'm Alex. Thanks for clicking, and welcome to this lesson on the many uses of "will". "Will" is one of the most difficult English grammar words to master because there is a lot of confusion about whether or not it can be used to talk about future plans. Now, number 1, if you are going to talk about a plan that you have for the future, "be going to" or the present continuous are much more common in English. So you won't say -- if someone asks you," "What are you doing this weekend?" -- you don't say, "I will visit my grandma" or, "I'm visit is my grandma." "I'm going to see a movie"; not, "I will see a movie." So now that we have that out of the way. Let's look at the other ways -- and there are many -- that we can use "will". Number one, you can state your intention with "will". Now, this isn't a plan; it's an intention. So for example, if someone asks you, "What are you doing this weekend?", you usually modify "will" with "I will probably", "I will maybe", "I will likely", "I will definitely be at the show." So this is similar to making a promise, which you can also use with "will", and we'll talk about later. And you can say, "Yeah, I will be at the show" or, "I will probably be at the show this weekend." Okay? Now, you can use it to confirm plans and to confirm orders of events. So if you and your friends made plans and you want to get the plans straight in your mind, you can say, "Okay, wait. Wait. So first, I will call you. And then, we will meet at the theater." So if you have a future order of events and you want to get it clear, you can say, "Okay. Number one, you will do this. Number two, I will do this. Number three, we'll do this. Yeah? Okay." So this means -- again, you're confirming plans. You're confirming the orders of events. You're not actually saying "I'm doing this". You're saying, "This is what will happen. I just want to have it clear in my mind."

Number three, decisions made in the moment. So if you're at a restaurant, at a store -- if you're buying shoes, and you make a decision in the moment, you use "will". So for example, you're making a decision. "Do I want the red shoes or the blue shoes? I'll take the blue ones." Okay? So, "I will take the blue ones." You can also say, you know -- if you're ordering at a restaurant, "I will have the chicken and fries", for example. So for decisions in the moment, use "will".

Next, predictions. Now, again, predictions, you can use "be going to" as well, if you have evidence. "Be going to" is stronger for predictions. Or you can use "will" where you can give your opinions, your thoughts. For example, you're talking about your friend who's doing a test. Your friend has one hour to do the test. He didn't study. He's very nervous. And you say, "There is no way he will finish on time." So you can say, "He won't finish on time. This is my prediction." Okay? So you can make a prediction using "will".

You can also use it, like I mentioned, to make a promise. So, "I will never disappoint you" or, "I will always love you." Think of the Whitney Houston song from the 1990s, The Bodyguard. Depending on what year you're watching this, that is already very dated, and you have no idea what I'm talking about. But that's okay. The Bodyguard -- "I will always love you", Whitney Houston.

And number six, you can confirm a future time or place. So you can say, "Okay. I will be there at eight". "Where are you going to be at eight o'clock?" "I will be at home. I will be at the mall. I'll be having dinner" -- in that situation. So if you want to talk about what you will be doing at a future time or future place, you can use "will" in this context.

And finally, you can also use "will" for goodbyes. So, "Yeah. I will see you later. We will get together soon." This is similar to making a promise, right? Like, "I will see you later. I promise you." But a specific context of promise because it's goodbyes.
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Hello Mr Alex it is really great for us that your explanation of using Will is really clear enough


You're the best teacher I've ever had. I would like you explain about paired conjuctions: not only, but also. neither, nor. either, or.


Very clear explanation. Great video. :) I'll tell my students about it. :)


Superb explanation of the usage of "will"! I will definitely recommend to my friends who joined the Spoken English course with me.


Hello, Alex!
I love your classes!
I can understand everything!
Thanks a lot!


Hi teacher Alex, I went to do your test after I watched your video. I got 100 correct. I am glad to have a nice teacher like you. thank you so much for teaching.


Excellent teacher completely clean about this topic


You're the best teacher ever!!!! Thanks!!


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Gracias, es muy amable al subir sus lecciones. De mucha importancia para mejorar mi inglés. Thanks a lot.


Thank you Alex about your free lessons.


HAPPY NEW YEAR. Hi Alex. You are exceptional. I truly enjoy watching your tutorials. They are so inspiring and a blessing to everybody old AND young. Your voice is very soothing and you smile all the time. Great job. BRAVO. Thanks for your help. May I ask you when do we use ADVISE and ADVICE.


This cannel is Always helping me !
Thank-you 😆


Thank you, Alex! You are a great teacher.


thank you so much .you are a good teacher


Very clear your explanation. Very useful for me. Thanks.


Thanks for teaching ✌🏼This Video is useful for me.


Thank u, may allah enlighten u with his light.


thanks very much, this lesson led me know how to ues "will".


I really appreciate your approach to this matter Congratulations
