GEN vs. DK | Quarterfinals | 2022 World Championship | Gen.G vs. DWG KIA | Game 4 (2022)

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The 12th League of Legends World Championship, the pinnacle of LoL Esports competition, is back in North America for the first time since 2016. 24 teams from around the globe will compete to become world champion.

Gen.G vs. DWG KIA - Game 4

Gen.G Line up:
• Doran - Top Gnar
• Peanut - Jungle Sejuani
• Chovy - Mid Azir
• Ruler - ADC Jinx
• Lehends - Support Lulu

DWG KIA Line up:
• Nuguri - Top Renekton
• Canyon - Jungle Viego
• ShowMaker - Mid LeBlanc
• deokdam - ADC Aphelios
• Kellin - Support Renata Glasc

PLAY-INS: 9/29-10/04 - Mexico City
GROUPS: 10/7-10/10, 10/13-10/16 - New York City
QUARTERFINALS: 10/20-10/23 - New York City
SEMIFINALS: 10/29-10/30 - Atlanta
FINALS: 11/05 - San Francisco

Watch all worlds matches here!

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Crazy game by DK.... i'd never thought i'd see a renekton team win. :D


33:30 why Sejuani ulted Renata instead of Aphelios?


Which soundtrack it is? The one played during the end?


Azaezel on crack? "Years of LPL dominance on the world stage". DWG won 2020 before EDG won 2021. LCK also is more dominant out of Groups for 21/22, always qualifying all seeds and placing most first seeds. These LCS casters are hardstuck repeating 2019 talking lines.


As korean and lck fan so sad that we have to let dk go... but well we still have 3 teams left 😀
Hope westerners get better next year
