Random Slope Coefficient Multi-Level Models

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What happens when your multilevel data has different effects working at level 2 (or higher) that change outcomes for your units at level 1? Working with a slightly more complicated modeling system called random slope coefficient models can help us work with this more complex environment. In this video, we show you how to use the xtmixed command in STATA for situations like these.
Random Slope Coefficient Multi-Level Models
Multilevel Models: Random Coefficient Models | Ian Brunton-Smith
Multilevel and mixed models, random and fixed part
8. Random Coefficients (Slopes) Models
Multilevel Models: Random Intercept Models | Ian Brunton-Smith
Mixed Models, Hierarchical Linear Models, and Multilevel Models: A simple explanation
Linear mixed effects models - random slopes and interactions | R and SPSS
Linear mixed effects models - the basics
Linear mixed effects models
Random Intercept Multi-Level Models
Multilevel (random slope) regression in Mplus
How to decide whether an effect is fixed or random in mixed models
Common Problems with Multi-Level Models
Random slope models
Multilevel modeling using SPSS (July, 2019)
Mehrebenenanalysen (HLM) – Formeln visuell verstehen
12.3 Multilevel Modelling: Model comparison approach.
Two-level multilevel model using SPSS (chapter 3 v4); testing random slopes in HLM
Multilevel modeling (two-levels) in R with 'lme4' package (May, 2019)
Multilevel models in R
Cross-level interactions
What packages allow you to deal with random intercept and random slope models in R?
Bayesian Multilevel Models - Random Slopes