Hubblecast 60: Ο γαλαξίας έπεσε 'διάνα'

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Λαμπρά νέφη ανοικτού κόκκινου χρώματος σχεδόν περικυκλώνουν τον σπειροειδή γαλαξία NGC 922. Η δακτυλιοειδής δομή και το παραμορφωμένο σχήμα του γαλαξία οφείλεται σε ένα μικρότερο γαλαξία που χτύπησε "διάνα" στο κέντρο του NGC 922, πριν από περίπου 330 εκατ. χρόνια.
Episode 60 of the Hubblecast explores NGC 922, a galaxy that has been hit square-on by another. Ripples of star-formation are still propagating out across thousands of light-years of space over 300 million years after the collision, making it a prime example of what astronomers call a collisional ring galaxy.
Visual design and editing: Martin Kornmesser
Web and technical support: Mathias Andre and Raquel Yumi Shida
Written by: Oli Usher
Narrator: Sara Mendes da Costa
Images: NASA, ESA, Chandra X-ray Observatory, Digitized Sky Survey 2
Visualisations and animations: B. Conn (MPIA), R. Smith (University of Concepción), R. Taylor (Arecibo Observatory); M. Kornmesser
Music: Toomas Erm
Directed by: Oli Usher
Executive producer: Lars Lindberg Christensen
Κείμενα: ESA/Hubble. Μετάφραση: Μανώλης Ζούλιας
Episode 60 of the Hubblecast explores NGC 922, a galaxy that has been hit square-on by another. Ripples of star-formation are still propagating out across thousands of light-years of space over 300 million years after the collision, making it a prime example of what astronomers call a collisional ring galaxy.
Visual design and editing: Martin Kornmesser
Web and technical support: Mathias Andre and Raquel Yumi Shida
Written by: Oli Usher
Narrator: Sara Mendes da Costa
Images: NASA, ESA, Chandra X-ray Observatory, Digitized Sky Survey 2
Visualisations and animations: B. Conn (MPIA), R. Smith (University of Concepción), R. Taylor (Arecibo Observatory); M. Kornmesser
Music: Toomas Erm
Directed by: Oli Usher
Executive producer: Lars Lindberg Christensen
Κείμενα: ESA/Hubble. Μετάφραση: Μανώλης Ζούλιας