'What is an Epic?': A Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers

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What is an epic in literature? How are epics defined and what are some examples of epic poetry? Professor Tekla Bude answers these questions using examples from The Iliad, The Odyssey, and other examples of the genre.

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0:00 Epic Word Origins
1:21 Qualities of Epics
2:31 Epics in Contemporary Culture

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Epic mythology English word epic from Latin which comes from Ancient Greek adjective word ( Epos ) “ word, story, poem “ . Definition of epic is long often book length, narrative in verse that retells heroic journey of single person or group of persons. Best definition of epic is long narrative poem written in elevated style, or in which heroes of great historical or legendary importance perform various deeds . Examples of epic such as Leo Tolstoy war and peace. There are two types of epic primary or oral epic and, secondary or literary epic . Characteristic of epic is presence of supernatural elements. Epic is long story about hero that serves organizing point of cultural or social identity. Themes of epic poem are bravery, strength, fighting for king and people, loyalty, revenge, honor, generosity, reputation. Famous writers of epic such as homer, Virgil, Ovid, Dante, Edmund Spenser, Milton . Thank you for your wonderful educational literary channel.


If you enjoyed this video, give us some love my liking it, asking a question, or sharing your favorite example of an epic! Thanks for watching, everybody!


I have a significant respect for this professor, and I think she has a significant amount of knowledge to convey ... which she doesn't do here. I'd like to hear her break down those concepts which she discussed over a few--Iliad, Odyssey, and ... author's choice, I'd pick Aeneid but do you!


Thank you mam🤗
I've watched all the videos in this series so far...
Everything was marvelous 😇
Can you please add Paradox and Ballad in this series!


Good video. The American Film Institute defines "epic film" as "a genre of large-scale films set in a cinematic interpretation of the past. Their scope defies and demands—either in the mode in which they are presented or their range across time. A bloody sword fight in an ancient coliseum; carnage on an open battlefield; a country on the eve of revolution. With sweeping interpretations of turbulent times, epics depict characters that, whether nobly heroic or shamefully depraved, are living life on the grandest of scales." So I guess "grand scale" is how we are thinking of epic these days. That sort of lines up with the historical definition but doesn't have the concept of "ideal" in it. Lawrence of Arabia leads the AFI's list of greatest film epics. Not sure that any character in Lawrence of Arabia is an ideal, and certainly Lawrence isn't.


I think the historical places of Golconda and charminar which were build 400 years ago and South part of India will be Epic forever.


Is it true that The Mahabharata is the biggest epic poem in the world with more than 220000 verses and about 1.8 million words in total??


Are there any books that might be epics


I wanted this video for so long.Thankyou so


The mcu from the first marvel movie to avengers endgame would be considered an epic just by the size of it


very interesting way of teaching. well, a long text regarding a cultural and historical notes in which a protagonist is playing vital role in portraying, will also be considered epic?


Divine Comedy and Spenser's Fairie Queene is also included under epic.


I consider "Harry Potter" an epic : ). In fact, my favorite epic ; ) (The books, that is.) Ok. Homer's Odyssey is right up there.


Perhaps "Babylon 5" [Series, Spin-Offs, And Films] Can Be Incorporated Under The Epic Monologue.


I consider Isaac Asimov's "Foundation" metaseries to be an epic. Foundation series alone tells the story of 500 years after the fall of a Galactic Empire. Add Robot and Empire series, and you can see Asimov's beautiful future history from the early development of robots in the 20th century to the two waves of colonisation of Milky Way to the birth of an empire and after another 12 millennia, it's eventual collapse, rise of the Foundation Federation in an attempt to re-establish human civilization and finally the birth of the superorganism Galaxia. What makes it even more closer to an epic is that there are stories which decide fate of humanity and then there are stories about normal people too.

It's a really really big metaseries which consists many novels, novellas and short stories. In all of modern literature, I consider it to be the closest to an epic.
Star Wars' scope seems microbial compared to it.
