Natural Bodybuilding Is Boring. 🥱

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I don’t care how long it takes for me to make gains. The only relevance is if I can get out of this emotional hole I am in and can have fun lifting.


you also get to live past 40, sometimes 30.


That's why I chose strength at first because I knew I would develop decent muscles and the consistency and motivation for bodybuilding. Now I have goals in bodybuilding, Strength training and calisthenics which help me stay motivated.


The way I think about it is that the time will pass by anyways. 5, 7, 10 years will go by no matter what, so working out during that time just increase muscle so why not


I have some goals these are some
- I want to look like Greek god
- i want to be strong as i can naturally i look up for people in old ages who were strong asf.
- i want to improve my calisthenics skills
- i want to better myself and i love putting heavy things up and down


i could barely do a single pushup last year. Yet I kept at it day in and day out. The day I managed to pull off 10 in a row was the day I felt a profound sense of pride in myself. Days turned to weeks, then months. 10 turned to 15, then 20. Now I lose count and just rep till failure. I do not even do it for the looks anymore. I can feel myself getting stronger with time. With said strength comes confidence and pride earned through hard work and determination. It would be so easy to roid up and get there faster but this is a far purer path for me. I do not need to look like the hulk in a few months time. I would rather enjoy the process and enjoy the fruits of my labor grown with care and patience


I’ve been seeing differences in my physique month to month as a natural. I’ve been going for about 2 years now and I think I look pretty good.


Getting stronger in all exercises and lifts motivated me more as opposed to packing on muscle, because I knew if I made small progressions over time weekly and monthly in all exercises, the size/density would come no matter what.


Only consider PED’s if you see yourself having a professional future in the sport of bodybuilding. If your taking it just to get bigger or just for fun then it won’t be worth it


Took me about 10 years to get to where i am today, and i probably could've done it in 2/3 with PEDs but GOD DAMN if feels good to know i will never have to worry about the health issues that are associated with steroids. 90% of the reason why i lift is to improve my mental health, so taking drugs that mess with your mood doesn't appeal to me at all.
I'm just gonna keep on doing my thing lifting, slow and steady, and the feeling of doing it naturally trumps the results i'd see from roid gains in my opinion.


I choose to be natural because I like the idea of unlocking my full potential. I want to see where my body goes natural, not based on what a drug does to me. If I took steriods I would feel as if I cheated myself


That’s why I focus on strength training, you can see the results week to week and month to month. As long as I’m progressing I’m on the right track


Good points. Variety is the spice of life.


Not the way I expected this to go. Great points💯


That's so true! Actually I'm into this and now it's being 3 years of totally natural body building and I hardly sees a big difference in mah physique I mean sometimes I get frustrated by this and thinks about quiting but when I look about the strength yeah that's the factor I'm really happy of, all this year my strength is much more than what it was to be so yeah I'm happy for what I'm. Ik it will take time but one day I'll achieve my goals!


No I’ve seen gains for sure. I just started working out and in my first 3 weeks my bench press 1 rep max went up by 30 pounds. Also my biceps grew


Yep! I went from CrossFit to body building. CrossFit gave me a good base and taught me a lot about the aerobic part of working out.


I needed to hear this, I felt like giving up today after I compared a picture of my physique from a year ago to today and it looked like I barely made a difference in muscle growth, thanks for the advice bro 👍


Year to year you should 100% notice otherwise you do something horribly wrong


I suffer with herniated discs & have had several operations & still struggle. At it’s worst I blew up to nearly 20st(280lb) at 5’10”!
I was diagnosed with diabetes age 40.
I’ve been in & out of weightlifting since my 20s but always had to stop due to pain. I was doing everything wrong!
I educated myself & after my last operation I found ways of doing weights without causing so much pain, you get used to finding ways to adapt.
I’ve since lost 7st & am getting their slowly.
Without lifting weights I’d be dead now. Mentality in a better place.
My motto is anything is better than nothing but I’ve found as time went on that’s not 100% true.
Educate yourselves on what the muscles do. Correct form.
I now (still in pain) work out 5 days a week for about 3-4 months.
I then take 3-4 weeks off & then start to build up to 5 days again.
Each time I restart I get muscle memory boost. I end up getting more growth quicker each time I restart. ✌🏻
