Tower of Hanoi | Recursion Problem | GeeksforGeeks
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Tower of Hanoi - A famous mathematical puzzle where we have three rods (A, B, and C) and N disks.
The disks are all stacked on Rod A in decreasing value of diameter i.e., the smallest disk is placed on the top.
Let us see how to solve Tower of Hanoi problem with the help of a Recursive Solution.
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The disks are all stacked on Rod A in decreasing value of diameter i.e., the smallest disk is placed on the top.
Let us see how to solve Tower of Hanoi problem with the help of a Recursive Solution.
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#towerofhanoi #recursion #recursive #recursiveproblem #dsa #datastructuresandalgorithms #dsaproblems #mathematicalpuzzle #recursivesolution #stack #puzzle #gfg #geeksforgeeks #geeksforgeekspractice