We Are The Fallen 'I Am Only One' UNOFFICIAL music video

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Footage shot at The Chameleon Club, Lancaster, PA 05/16/2010
Produced with CyberLink PowerDirector
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Very underrated band I love their compositions. Indeed they should be on the spotlight.


i just discovered them on Pandora not to long ago and i freaking love their music now!


You will never be anything near close to being amazing like... EVANESCENCE 💕💕💕💕
Her voice is one of a kind!!!


Other then both having black hair they dont look anything like each other but you are so correct in saying they dont sound like Ev (post Fallen album as of couse it will sound a bit like the 1st stuff as that was Ben, that is how the music he writes and plays sounds). Carly has a completly different voice then Amy and I really dig them both.


And how can you not love the fact that the guitar player is wearing a Batman shirt!?


i don't think evanescence's new album sucks, but you're right. people are bitter over a fight that was never there. amy and carly aren't at each other's throats hating each other. it was ben's decision to leave, and he did. personally, i think they're completely different, even though they sing some types of songs, because they have completely different voices. so people just need to get over it and enjoy the god damn good music.


@BreakMyFall2008 heh i so agree with you.. people would love this band most likely if it wasnt for the drama shit between ben and amy... i personally love both bands...


Ben ur amazing man, carly is so sexy and has an amazing voice, go we are the fallen


@TheQueenoftheDead How can Amy steal the name if Ben was the one who quit...?


How she was voted off American idol i have no idea . This lady has a voice that will ring out forever. Beautiful work 👏 👌


I love them both, I love them so much, that I wish Amy and Carly could do a duet someday... It would be amazing... *___*


Been a huge Ev fan since day 1 and I love this band, I think they are more darker and I think that's awesome. Of course ppl are gonna say they are the same, theres a girl for the lead singer and Bens the guitarist, but come on they are equally brilliant and talented, let it go and enjoy the music


This is a beautiful song. Sad that Amy stole the name of the bad from Ben and them. This is the true spirit of Evanescence. And to those who don't believe that their is a rift listen to Ben Moody's 10.22 song. it's all about his feelings about Amy. The fact is whether you want to face it or not Amy is a diva. Ben and them are just playing the music they like and the music the fans wanted. This is the album that should have followed Fallen. Good job guys. Can't wait for the next one.


Anyone can pick up a guitar & play, get on the drums & feel a vibe but it's the creativity inside that define us. That's exactly what Ben did when he left EVANESCENCE & started we are the fallen. You know his chords when you hear it. I'm so proud of him for never giving up on the thing that meant most to him.


I actually like this band. Many people are saying that this band rips off Evanescence. Well maybe they do. But, maybe its cuz they were inspired by Evanescence. The singer doesn't sound that much like Amy. Also what is wrong with Ben writing music with someone else ? People need to move on from that its been a long time since it happened. People should learn to enjoy the music.


She's not like Amy at all. Her voice and style and face are totally different. Their musics are different. They couldn't be The Fallen without Amy lee. They Are The Liars.


This song is insanely beautiful. I would have loved a music video for it.


I dont care what people say, Evanescence is one of my favorite bands and I will always love them, this is the first ive listened to We are the Fallen and her voice gave me chills so i like them :) You can just hear the emotion in her voice.


Everyone in the comments comparing them to Evanescence and complaining about who is better, shut up. If you want to listen to Evanescence, then go listen to Evanescence and let us enjoy We Are the Fallen.


contrary to majority opinion, I actually find her quite similar to Amy, the way she sings, her style and her expressions :o
But anyway, that's just me x) 

I also see the uniqueness in their music, they obviously 'resemble' Evanescence since they have the same members but c'mon it's new music, who the hell cares if they're similar or not .__.
