Five planets that the Daleks have conquered

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While New Who seems to focus its Dalek stories almost exclusively on Earth and Humanity, Doctor Who's expanded universe of books, comics and audio dramas has many examples of Daleks invading planets that are not Earth - in this video, we are going to take a look at five non-Earth planets that the Daleks have conquered.

All footage is the property of the BBC. Music by Jeroen Tel, Frank Klepacki, Jason Graves, Marty O'Donnell and Gary Schyman
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As a Dalek myself, i can confirm that we have indeed conquered these planets!!!


2:47 Also: yay, 'DALEKS!' reference!


One major conquest I can remember is Vega VI. The Daleks invaded the world to strip mine it of Veganite to use in Project Infinity to breach the Dimensional Barriers.


I think my favourite of these is probably Spiridon since it posed as a significant outpost in the Daleks invasion plans for the conquest, invasion and subjugation of the Milky Way galaxy.
It also had a significant number of Dalek troops waiting in suspended animation to be reactivated and begin their assault. When this army was frozen in the ice of Spiridon it dramatically thwarted the Daleks plans, making them have to take more drastic measures to make up for this strategic loss. xx


Wished we had Daleks Conquer a planet Episode (that's not Earth). Ncuti Gatwa better get one or two Dalek stories of his own.


if you've not made one, id love to see a video on the dals, and how they connect to the thals and the kaleds.


Here’s all the dalek worlds They’ve conquered I can think off, Etra prime, vager 6, Gurier, Yaldos, Nixcys 2 and 7, Heaven, Hell, Arcking, Gardezza, Wrax, Kessa, gallifreys, Srangor, Kemble, and many more


Honestly, this video got me thinking....about this one line from DBZA: Team Four Star...It' spoken by their iteration of Frezia.

"Oh, Im sorry. You see, I hear these heroic speeches so wearily often that I've started a little mental checklist of how often I've heard certain lines"

The Daleks have killed so many worlds that I wouldn't be surpised if that line came outta Davros' or the Time Controller' mouth.

It is truly incomprehensible to understand how these ceatures managed to erase entire worlds with their own histories just as convoluted and complex as human history, likely trillions of times over.


The entire basis of my Dalek spin off idea is literally about the Dalek conquest of a planet and the subjugation of the population. Literally my plan for the final episode is the invasion of the world and it will probably be the only time the Daleks perform a Blitzkrieg.


Could you do a separate video about Dalek Sec, as he’s my favourite Dalek design 🥰


This is what has really angered me about new who, the writers fixating the Daleks on mostly modern earth, which has nearly ruined the Daleks threat level. Why can't we get a story on TV where the Daleks have already long conquered a world that the doctor visits, and the "it just looks like earth" excuse can be explained, Stargate SG1 and Atlantis gave very good reasons in universe why most planets look like earth. Dr who is no different, in fact i think it already has in some of the novels. Give us an alien world with another species, instead of the daleks continually failing to conquer modern earth.

The Daleks also pretty much conquered Strellin in order of the daleks, The Planet Hell, The planet Keska was a pretty brutal occupation. Its funny the show and expanded media goes on about how vast the dalek empire is, yet we never really see it. The Daleks only ever really seem to have Skaro on screen and just one city. You would think that at least Skaro would me utterly swarming with Daleks, multiple cities, orbital stations and fleets etc.. but we never see it and often nothing is referred to in media.


The Doctor and Romana uncovered the body of a combat pilot of the 3rd Galactic Fleet of the planet Kantra (a tropical paradise – yes apparently the whole planet) and Romana wondered what a Kantrian would be doing dying on Skaro. Could it be that the Daleks conquered Kantra?


Here's five they've conquered: Earth.


Have you considered making an overview type video on Daleks created from mutated Humans/other species (such as in Revelation of the Daleks or Parting of the Ways)?

Maybe it's just a coincidence caused by my choice in listening but it does seem like it appears a lot in Big Finish stories...


One of my favourite other worlds mentioned in Dalek expanded media was Galacton from the Doctor Who Files books. I attempted to illustrate the story into a comic at least twice as a kid but I never had the patience to finish it 😅


It would be the scariest thing to look up to the sky and see the daleks for the first time and understand your time is at an end


Winter (1st Doctor Companion Chronicles) and Far (3rd Doctor adventures) and of course Kembal.


I hear the Destroy All Humans music, very approrpriate


Intergalactic stand-up acts that aged badly include "What's the deal with Aridius? Why do they call it Aridius? It's not arid; it's covered in oceans; if anything it's dampidius!"


What about Antillon, the false Skaro that was destroyed by the Hand of Omega instead of the real Skaro?
