3 rules to spark learning | Ramsey Musallam

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It took a life-threatening condition to jolt chemistry teacher Ramsey Musallam out of ten years of "pseudo-teaching" to understand the true role of the educator: to cultivate curiosity. In a fun and personal talk, Musallam gives 3 rules to spark imagination and learning, and get students excited about how the world works.

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Ramsey Musallam's Three Rules:
1) Curiosity comes first.
2) Embrace the mess (trial and error).
3) Practice reflection.


I was a student of Mr. Musallam's. He taught me AP Chem. To this day, still the most captivating, fun, and amazing teacher I've ever had the pleasure of learning from. Mr. Moose, you are the man. Keep on rockin!


"Student questions are the seeds of real learning." Amazing sentiment. Many people of any age tend to ask questions in order to confirm or deny what they may already know. It's a learning technique, and it also demonstrates a unique interest in the material, as well as a desire to learn.


A good teacher learns from his students.


I'd just like to point out that I currently take AP Chem with Mr Musallam and not only do we blow shit up ALL THE TIME but he is also a friend to every student as well as a great educator. Hands down the best teacher I've ever had. He really cares about our learning and thinking


This is the best presentation on the central role of curiosity in the learning process . Curiosity comes first. and it is so vital


THIS WAS MY AP CHEMISTRY TEACHER FROM HIGH SCHOOL!!! Hands down the BEST teacher I've ever had. There was always something to look forward to in his class. If you're in high school and you have the chance to take a class with him, JUST DO IT!! You will not regret it :) Sincerely, one of Mr. Musallam's former students.


I wish there were more people that actually cared about education like this.


Very powerful! I wish that my Chemistry teacher had this teaching approach! Curiosity is the key, but many teachers deliver unwanted information to students every day because "they have to know that"


Yeh when i was a kid i remember always asking questions but every time my teacher and parents would always respond with "you don't need to know" which really annoyed me;


while I don't agree entirely, the essence of what you have said rings true with me at least. The people in the best position to understand what students need is a good teacher. This guy is a great teacher, he actively looks for things that inspires his students to learn and then has the skills to help them get there.


It didn't take heart surgery for me to realize this problem among my peers at the start of my teaching career, but I appreciate the platform, the wake up call and call to action.


I am in one of Mr. Mussalam's AP Chem classes and I can honestly say he does everything he talks about on his Ted Talk in the classroom. No class is ever boring because he provides us with so many cool experiments/ videos from movies that relate to what we are learning. He is always available to hep us before and after school, even sometimes on the weekends, and connects with us on a personal level which makes everyone love him more. Block 3 Group 3 loves you Mr. Mussalam!


brilliant, humanistic, positive, educational, joyful.. thank you very much for sharing your valuable discoveries and advice, the Teacher!


I would love to see a related talk but by an English teacher...Chemistry and social sciences are very hands-on subjects, so it would be interesting to hear some suggestions when it comes to learning a language..


This video comes right at the time that I am discovering the central role of curiosity in the learning process. Ramsey, you make me want to stand up and cheer! Thank you!


I'd love to have this guy as a teacher...


Hi, im a teacher and unfortunately I kind of agree, but its not our choice. By and large teachers want to follow student questions. However government and other forces push for a set curriculum. If we dont follow these people get up in arms. however, if we are to follow the crammed curriculum there is often little time to diverge and follow the cool ideas.


As the candle goes out, the temp goes down, but pressure does as well, since the volume is essentially constant. A vacuum is then created and the outside pressure "Pushes" up against the cup. I think :)


What an amazing speech. You ignite the curiosity in me. Thank you.
