Christafari - How Great Thou Art (Official Music Video) feat. Solomon Jabby (Part 2)
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Help us bring the JOY and salvation of Christ to the hurting and lost throughout the world.
(About the video)
We had an absolute blast filming this video. It’s by far the craziest short that I’ve ever produced. While some may see it as one part Willy Wonka and one part Sgt. Pepper with a little Lee Scratch Perry and George Clinton thrown in for good measure, we were actually inspired by something totally different.
There is a guy who lives in a large van on Pacific Coast Highway in Redondo Beach not too far from our house. For years he’s been called a “Jesus freak.” And not in a good way. No church will accept him. His car is covered in colorful crosses and large neon letters that read “Jesus” and “Holy.” Every day he is a billboard for Christ as he paces the sidewalks wearing his captain’s hat and long flowing coat (regardless of the weather). He unsuccessfully tries to stop every single passerby, asking if he can read a Bible verse to them and pray for them. Most evade him or downright ignore him. While his methods might not appear to be the most effective, I believe his heart is in the right place and his goals are pure. To some he’s an embarrassment, but in a weird way, I’m inspired by him.
What if we were all this passionate and bold for Jesus? Let’s face it, when we first start following Christ we are on fire — so passionate about the Lord. But eventually our colorful flower of faith began to fade into what often becomes mundane and muted from its original form. But what if we kept this passion? What if we continued to fan the flame and never lost our zeal? What if we still shared our faith with the fervor we had when we were just saved? This is how I want to be. Though I may not paint neon crosses and “Jesus Saves” across my minivan, I will try and keep them on my mind and ever-present in my conversations.
While some may see this video as a psychedelic trip-out and wonder what we were on when we filmed it (nothing, of course), that is the furthest thing from our desire or initial intention while making it. This video was created to show the mind-blowing contrast between being lost and being found. The difference between being all alone, surrounded by death and destruction, and then being surrounded by the fellowship of others in the light of Christ. We’re showing the journey from the slow monotonous drudgery of existence to an exciting and empowered life bursting with energy!
It’s about going from muted colors in an almost sepia-toned world to living a vibrant and Technicolor faith!
Over all, it’s an allegory for salvation. For when you’ve found Christ, you will truly realize that all of those clichés that you’ve heard sung for years are so true: “I once was lost but now am found; was blind but now I see!”
Live your faith with zeal. Be bold, passionate and, yes, WILD for Christ. Don’t let the world tame your faith or mute your colors. Find that inner Jesus freak that you once were when you first found Christ and cry out to your loving Savior “Restore unto me the JOY of my salvation!”
Band: Christafari
Actress: Korah Exodus
Producer: Mark Mohr
Director, Cinematographer and Editor: Luis E Juarez
Special Effects and additional editing: Mark Mohr
After Effects retouches & visual FXs: Harkin Media
Special thanks to Buckley Videography for the aerial and film equipment, and to Greg and Elisa Mohr.
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