Ladies of the Canyon-Joni Mitchell-Iconic tracks of 2024-#Fashion-forward

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Ladies of the Canyon-Joni Mitchell-Iconic tracks of 2024-#Fashion-forward

0:00:00 : T̷h̸e ͙͙Ma̷̷g̳̳d̷̷a̶le̴̴ne̷ L̼̼a͙͙u̲̲n̵d̸̸r͙i͛͛e̷̷s̲̲
0:04:04 : At̸ ̷̷La͛st̲̲
0:08:32 : Woo̲̲d̼s̵̵toc̷̷k̸
0:14:46 : I̳̳ Had̳ a̲ K̼̼in̴g̳̳
0:18:23 : My̳̳ Old̸ M̸̸an
0:21:58 : R̳̳a̳in͛y̳̳ N͛i̶̶g̷h̷t̵̵ H̸ou̼s̶e
0:25:23 : Th̴̴a̳t̶̶ S̸ong̴̴ Ab̳̳ou̳̳t̼̼ ̳̳t̶he̼̼ M̼̼i̼d̳̳w̲a̴y͛͛
0:30:01 : R̴̴i̴ve̸r
0:34:14 : Y͙͙ou̴ T̶̶u̼r̵n̶ ̸M̵̵e On̳ ͛͛I̳̳'̳m ͛A̷̷ ̸Ra̷d̼̼i̳̳o̶
0:36:54 : Ans͙we̸̸r̴̴ M͙͙e͙͙,̸̸ M̵̵y̼ ̵̵L̸o̳̳ve

#J.o.n..i. ..M..i..t..c..h..e.l..l. #Folk #FolkRock #Singer-songwriter #Jazz #Pop

#timelesspophits #JoniMitchellliveperformances #JoniMitchellmusicvideos #JoniMitchellinterviews #JoniMitchelldocumentary #JoniMitchellcovers

Joni Mitchell live performances,Joni Mitchell music videos,Joni Mitchell interviews,Joni Mitchell documentary,Joni Mitchell covers,Joni Mitchell greatest hits,Joni Mitchell full album,Joni Mitchell tribute,Joni Mitchell Woodstock,Joni Mitchell Blue,Folk,Folk Rock,Singer-songwriter,Jazz,Pop
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