Questioning His-Story - Melbourne's Architect

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Questioning His-Story - Melbourne's Architect

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Look into Melbourne private schools. Melbourne grammar and Melbourne high. Connected by tunnels, river and more tunnels all the way up to St Michael's.
It's part of the ANZAC drain network. Also governor general house, flinders St station and Spencer St station all part same network. Same architecture, same tunnels, same churches and clock towers with domes. Look for old photos of Spencer st station and all of Collins and Bourke St. Another tunnel network connects them.
Possibly old street hight or aqueducts also used for moving undetected from premise to premise. Tunnels also house old iron cables, brick mason work with fountains and gargoyles.


Yes, I am a believer, baby! I believe that I'm being lied to, baby! But, the bigger question is; where did all the Little People come from, baby! So, how old do you suppose these Old World buildings are? The magnitude of construction is absolutely mind boggling! Before tearing the buildings down they always say: "they cost to much to maintain"! The obvious question would be: "if you cannot afford to maintain them, then, how did you afford to build them"?


I quit watching tv years ago i recomend it 4.99 a month for youtube is waybetter than a cable bill love it brother


Excellent production and exposure, once again, as you always do. For a real critical-thinker, this certainly asks way way way more questions than can be possibly answered, let alone speculated, upon.

Appreciate all your work, even though I do miss a bit.

The term "scaffolding" keeps coming to mind when I see this stuff. As you said... where are the cranes? Where's the intricate artwork in modern building that has this technology?

The more they lie about our history, the more ridiculous their lies appear. What happened in the Americas, and then also here, is clearly atrocious, when we consider the advanced peaceful civilisation which must have pre-existed the invaders who tell us what to believe today.


My mum came from Prague Czech Republic, and moved to Melbourne, Australia, and lived in a suburb called Prahran. She pointed out to me that Prahran reminded her of Prague because of a building with a dome on it - this building is called Prahran Central. Yes all the buildings around the world are very old and to say that Australia is relative new is a JOKE. Thanks for your OLD WORLD POSTS.


I've got 8 photos of Melbourne from around 1900. They fit together with the city in the foreground and Frankston far off. I'll send you some pics if anyone's interested.


It's not the building, but the logistics dont even add up. Look up quarrying? Most started AFTER these got built.


Even today if you go into these big buildings in the not freezing. Knowing what it costs to heat a regular big house, how much do you think the heating bill would be with those super high ceilings? Radiant heat or not, it would cost a fortune every day. I believe these buildings had a completely different heating source then we use today. Steam is amazing but everything was switched over to maybe not.


😂 Oh yeah, i'm sure that university in Cornwall, gave him all the knowledge & experience to build those state buildings, cathedrals, etc.
Its time expose ALL these hacks once and for all!
Great to see ya Campbell 👍🏼


your work is greatly appreciated, thank you Cambell.


It supposedly took 144 years to build the Duomo in Florence. The Sagrada Familia in Barcelona was supposedly started in 1882. It's still not complete. I too would like to know the truth.


I had a scholarship for national trust and heritage joinery 1st trade but also stone carving and Architecture. The time needed to draw and calculate some of these would have taken over a year. Even with computers the Old buildings take months to survey and measure, just for a simple repair of 1 to 30 million £s takes upto 6 years to completion. Some have been worked on for 30years and still not finished. Eg houses of parliament


I'm convinced the jinn/archons built all these structures.


Designed = de - sign
Finder founder
Free masonry
Like... yeaaa


reminded me a bit of Helsinki's story. Once I looked into old architecture, and there were a few names more than others. First I noticed Gustaf Nyström (pics in wiki, Suomi -language) had been involved in a lot., Just now I took a look at oldest buildings in Helsinki, and it seems if their designer is not "known", it most likely is Carl Ludvig Engel (wiki: Suomi gives some pics).., weird part was that Helsinki had a population of 20 000 in 1840s, and there are many huge classical buildings done before that.. Wikipedia does though say about Engel that many of his students' designs were put to Engel's name, because he was so famous. :D ok


These people committed crime against God and humanity....We were once blind and now we can see, and once you see it, you cannot unsee it...


It's depressing to see the destruction of these masterpieces of building, both the architecture and the simply stunning buildings,
Cheers mate


The time frame for the establishment of Melbourne is impossible.


The funniest narrative is Andrew Carnegie here in America. They have designated 6, 000 beautiful buildings as libraries, he supposedly built and just gave away, on top of running a steel empire.. these figures born in the early 1800s have pictures and biographies, complete with personal stories, like the narrator was there and knew what they did as youngsters.. almost like they knew they would be famous 🤔😅🤣


Royal exhibition building is MASSIVE! WHAT A JOKE.
I know of a family called Procter who had claims on nearly all Collins street. Suddenly paperwork gone and all compulsory acquired by state Gvt.
