Unlock METABOLIC HEALTH Secrets with Dr. Robert Lustig's 'Metabolical' | Levels Book Club

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In September of 2021, Dr. Robert Lustig participated in a Book Club with the Levels Community, where he discussed his latest book – Metabolical.

For the session, Dr. Casey Means, Co-founder & Chief Medical Officer of Levels hosted an interview with Dr. Lustig, which was then followed by a Q&A with the Levels Community.

Dr. Lustig is an Advisor to Levels, author of six books, including Fat Chance, Hacking of the American Mind, and Metabolical. Additionally, he’s Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics, Division of Endocrinology at the University of California, San Francisco.


Levels helps you see how food affects your health. With real-time, personalized data gathered through biosensors like continuous glucose monitors (CGM), you learn which diet and lifestyle choices improve your metabolic health so you can live a longer, fuller, healthier life.


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Self education is the best way to learn about disease and health care.
Thanks Dr. Lustig


I could listen to Robert Lustig all day, I can't believe an hour and a half went by so fast. I feed off of his intensity, consume his every word, and metabolize every morsel I can possibly retain.


I have watched this one, and nearly all of the vids with Dr Lustig. Man, and he never disappoints. The passion, the commitment, the knowledge. Grateful to have what I learn from him to help guide my practice and coach others. I first found Dr. L back in 2016. Prior to, I would treat myself to Rocky Road ice cream 1-2x’s per week, until one Friday night- I had an epiphany. I had been watching TV, eating the pint of ice cream, and then suddenly realized that I was more than half way thru the carton, and yet I was still hungry and didn’t even realize how much I had eaten. I say I was still hungry because I was ready to have more. I don’t know what got into me, but that night I said to myself- something’s not right here; there’s no way I can almost be done and yet, I can still eat more, still want more. That night, I then began researching various sources of information on sugar. Dr. L was one that I found who also opened my eyes to fructose, and more and more. Till this day, I’ve never bought another pint of hagan daz’s rocky road. I did not like the idea of a company producing something that could get me addicted and held no value. To the food industry, I say- I’m not your b*tch. Doing my best to educate others, in hopes that they too will come to make healthier decisions, most of the time ❤


An obvious Nobel prize nomination… I’ve been following Dr Lustig for 2 years and I follow his advice and have lowered All Of my lipids and my AST from 29 to 19. He is the only person that can clearly explain this complicated subject. Probably because he is the only dr that really understands it!?!! “If your triglycerides are high then your LDL is the dangerous small type”.


I'm 66 years old and was inspired to change my processed food eating to clean, whole food eating 4 month ago. Not by illness but by a desire to remain healthy. I was educated partly by Rob's youtube lectures and a number of others. I've lost 25 lbs and still losing. It is true the food is a little more but it must be a personal choice. However my 30 year old daughter recently said I'm ruining her Laffi Taffi candy eating habit because she has started reading labels. I would love to adopt an inner city family with sons old enough to be part of Baltimores violence culture and see if food, good food could make a difference. Thank you Rob for the education.


Fabulous! As an elderly RN (teaching now) it is heart breaking to see the damage of processed food evidenced in obesity, metabolic syndrome & much more.


I love this video. My husband died after a valiant struggle w a rare incurable neuromuscular disease called, Friedrich’s Ataxia. He had a low gene repeat. He was involved w every org. Looking for a cure. They’ve been vacillating about adding “Mitochondrial” disease to the recipe. And currently they claim to be embarking on a treatment that will delay progression. GOOD.

Anyway, my husband, who was VERY smart taught me to always think outside the box. THE DOCTOR IS NOT ALWAYS RIGHT!! You HAVE to be your own advocate.

Thank you for this video!!


I can’t stop watching Robert Lustig. I’ve watched a lot of his YouTube interviews now. The passion is there, he has vast knowledge and I love how explain things in most simple way that layman could understand immediately. Thank you Doc. I will buy your book.


I received my Metabolical book last week and am eating it up. I go to sleep with an airpod in my ear every night listening to video info. This is life altering, life giving, life saving information. Dr Lusting, thank you for so humbly and passionately using your gifts, experience, education, and research to help this world…as it is in grave danger.


My social network collapsed during pandemic.Alcohol consumption dropped to near 0.Lost 25 lbs and bp dropped 20 points.I don't expect you to believe it. I didn't.After watching this I am now better equipped to avoid sugar and increase fiber intake.Thanx Rob!


Rob, thank you for your service. I have followed you for years, shared your teaching with my friends and family and applied your whole food philosophy toward raising my precious grandchildren. And, just last night, I calculated my husbands lipid panel numbers, using your guidance, to show him that he has an option to the statins that his doctor prescribed. Both my husband and I seem to be “hyper-responders” as Dave Feldman describes, and all of our doctors want to put us on statins. We have resisted so far given that our quick and dirty “bad cholesterol” (triglycerides/Hdl) ratio is always below 1.5, but the repeated statin advice does wear us down.


I’ve been battling many health problems. I’ve been praying for an answer. Both of you have so enlightened me. I’m stuck in addiction to sugar in any form. I know in my brain and my heart you are speaking truth. I’m still stuck in my addiction. Thank you for all your studies and courage to speak out. You’ve given me hope. I’m so upset with medicine and the lies and neglect of the patients!


Keto real food for nearly five years, life changing. Thank you for this great interview x


Dr Lustig saved my life! I had loads of information, but nothing made sense, nothing linked up. When I heard Dr Lustig first, all the bits fell into place! It was amazing!! What a genius! Yes, he deserves a Nobel Prize if anyone ever has


This makes me remember, when I was a child, I was told not to feed the pets our food because it isn't healthy for the pet! My thoughts now are why did we eat it then?


Thank Allmighty Devine Creator to bring Dr's like you to our demention we live in.


I have to say I went grocery shopping yesterday and ALL the healthier items were sold out !! The unhealthy options were stocked to the ceiling, though . I guess there are people listening Rob 👍


This is so great. I have hope that my grandchildren may be healthy in a way that I wasn't


Casey thank you so much for everything- head up, they will do everything to bring you down.
Keep moving forward.


Lay person here. Every discussion I listen to by Levels people or Dr. Lustig leaves me feeling blown away (in the best sense). Most docs I have encountered give up on emphasizing lifestyle changes saying almost Noone follows the advice. Another case of BS GASLIGHTING. Patients need to take responsibility to learn and think, but so do doctors.
