Poverty and COVID-19: Challenges and Solutions

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August 24, 2021 | The COVID-19 pandemic affects people everywhere, but concerns are mounting about rising inequalities and acute and continuing suffering—within countries and especially among them. The poorest countries, especially in Africa, face devastating fiscal reverses that threaten their capacity to finance health, education, and vaccination programs during the crisis. Worse, they face sharp reverses in development progress and the prospect of continuing uncertainties on finance. Religious communities have long focused on the most vulnerable among us, and thus in the present crisis they have advocated for urgent measures to support both national governments and social protection programs. Vital bottom-line finance issues link social protection for vulnerable people to climate finance and capacities for rapid and fair recovery.
This webinar focused on the G20 Summit, coming up in late October, and the G20 Interfaith Forum in September, which draws on religious communities and their advocacy and support for bold, ambitious multilateral action. The conversation centered on the links between financial and moral challenges that poorer countries face as the COVID-19 pandemic continues its deadly path around the globe. Katherine Marshall, senior fellow at the Berkley Center, moderated the discussion.
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