Will you miss work after retirement?

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Will you miss work after retiring? What was my experience? Can I retire now? Retirement planning.

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Retirement Tool Link I reference and use and recommend -- New Retirement. Free 2 week trial. $120/yr after. You will buy this after trying (I have purchased for 3 years).


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Retired July 2. Don’t miss the politics, the political hacks, the wasted time, the idiot executives. For the first time in my life, I finally own my time.


After 40 years in the Aviation Maintenance field, I retired last Sept, and I don't miss anything about it.


Unfortunately, nothing about my job can make up for the stress it gives me. Dealing with rude customers, rude employees, people who can't string coherent sentences together. The list goes on. I can't wait until I hang up my spurs at the end of the year. I'm going to focus on health, happiness and tranquility.


Retired July 1st, I enjoyed my purpose and the people I worked with each day. However I do not miss my job, too much time wasted time doing low added value initiatives and flawed strategy. You comments align closely with my experience, we are both products of corporate machines.


Yep! I was a firefighter I looked forward to going to work every damn day, on my normal 4 days off I was ready to go back by the third day .
Love the brothers, the work, better meals than in a restaurant, I have a hard time going to an Italian restaurant, as often it’s just not as good .
But my body was shot, still hang with the guys and attend many retirement party’s


I have been retired for 10 months. I had a great career. But I have not missed work for one single day. Time freedom is amazing!


Retired Jan 31st 2024 at the age of 57 and I am not looking back!


Joe, you just described my work situation to a T. 85% is awful with fake unachievable goals and deadlines from above. Public humiliation from those same folks that do not know what needs fixing. It is horrible, I feel like I’m on the verge of being fired everyday. Been at this with the company for over 35 years. The last 5 have gone into the toilet. Unbearable.


Joe, I concur with your work place assessment.

I struggle with the endless meetings, deadlines, and wasting time on lo value returns

43 days to go! I will miss most of my coworker and clients but I won’t miss the amount of time and stress I devoted to my job!


I am retiring in a couple of weeks. Your videos are excellent including this one. Thanks for continuing to do this.


My time and health are worth more than the money!!


I was an engineering manager in a large company when I retired nearly 5 years ago at age 57. I couldn't have summarized the things I miss and those I certainly don't miss any better than you did in this video. Really enjoy watching your videos and the content you provide. Well done - Thanks Joe!


I’ll be 39 years old in a week and I have gotten very serious about retirement planning thanks to you. I enjoy your videos and want to plan so I may retire early like you did and enjoy life to the fullest. As a pharmacist I work long hours in a stressful environment and I’ve come to realize I don’t want to do it until I’m 70. New retirement has helped me gain confidence in my plan. Thanks for all you do Joe.


I am finally shifting from full time work to semi-retirement mode, and have Thursdays and Fridays free till the end of the year (at least).


I hear you loud and clear, Joe and you put it so eloquently in simple words ‘it seems all like a game to me’- can’t agree more, thanks for vocalizing what so many may feel but don’t want to accept. Great video!


"One man's story."

I love that.


I have been in the same profession for 40 years and will be turning 61 soon. I recently switched to working part time (3 days a week) as a way to begin the transition to retirement. I probably have about a year left to take that step, but watching your videos is definitely helping me think about what I should consider before that. Thanks for sharing your journey with us.


I miss work sometimes. I try to remind myself that instead of working I’m watching my kids grow up and start contributing to the world. It’s priceless.


Loved teaching my students, but it made up a smaller and smaller proportion of my time every year. The paperwork, politics and poor management was increasingly what I was forced to deal with and it weared on me terribly. It got to a point, that dealing with the next middle manager made crisis or senior executive thought bubble was something I just couldn't bring myself to deal with anymore. Called it and retired in January this year and zero regrets. Like Joe said, now I get to do what I want to do and man is that liberating.


Had a former work colleague (used to work for me at my current company) just pass away while on a business trip in Germany. So sad - away and alone in a foreign country at 59.

Makes you think..

I’m turning in my retirement notice in 51 days…you know when it is time to retire…when you know
