2015 Schaffen Diest - Emergency Diversion

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Schaffen Diest Fly In (Part 2) Saturday 15th August 2015. Day two of our trip to the Oldtimers Fly/Drive in event at Schaffen Diest in Belgium.

We got a taxy back to the airfield from our hotel in Calais and waited for the weather to improve. After lunch we set off, having checked the forecast and flight planned to pass through the corridor between Antwerp and Brussels via the VRPs (visual reporting points) at Whiskey and Duffy.
Approaching Gent the weather started to deteriorate and we were forced to fly around the heavy rain bursts. Reports were that Diest was still clear so we pressed on for a while but turned back when we encountered a wall of rain, 3 minutes flying time from our destination!
Our thanks go out to the air traffic controllers at Brussels and Antwerp for their help and support as well as the security staff and met officers at EBAW.

Take off time was 13.41Z and we flew the 141 nm in 1 hr and 4 mins.

If you are encouraged to buy a SkyDemon licence for you own personal flying from this video, please mention my name.

Check out the event websites:

Cameras - Go Pro Hero Black 3 and iPhone5

The video was produced on Cyberlink Power Director 13

Рекомендации по теме

thats not our airstrip couse our airstrip is just grass :(
