Greetings from Pennsylvania: Faith, Family, and Fellowship #countrylife #motivation

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Greetings from Pennsylvania and the land of the "Plain People". I am enjoying my yearly visit and all the traditions that come with it. With cookie baking days behind me, my next stop was a visit with the Martins. I use this time to relax, regroup and refocus.

Car problems, extensive house repairs, and week 8 of my strike at work are all miles away. At the core, POSITIVE CONNECTIONS with friends and family can help us get through our daily stressors.

I met these wonderful people in 1986. You can read about this and my spiritual journey in my book, Great Rides Across America. It is available on Amazon and I will place a link in the comment section below.

I'm Ken Francis, M.S., California licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and author of The Intimacy Gram and The Gratitude Snorkel and Other Bedtime Stories. I specialize in Alcohol Addiction treatment, Substance Use Disorder Treatment, trauma recovery, and group therapy. I believe in life balance and building community support. Please check out my other videos as they are a good resource for information on substance abuse, trauma, motivation, and gratitude.

With Covid-19 social distancing practices, I have had to stop teaching classes at my clinic. This video and others are my attempt to make my educational topics available to my patients. I have placed them on YouTube so others can benefit. Please like and subscribe to get more videos on recovery: Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Alanon, Adult Children of Alcoholics, Mindfulness, good Mental Health and Self Care.

#The_Intimacy_Gram #adultchildrenofalcoholics #positivity #positivethoughts #recoveryquotes #recoveryhappens
#spirituality #biketour #biketouring

Kenneth Francis
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This is my spiritual journey while bicycling 10, 000+ miles in 1985-86. Many of my life lessons from these miles shaped my approach to psychotherapy.


Happy Holidays Ken! Oh screw that…MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!❤
