Pastor Chuck Smith - - Philippians 1

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We here at ‘The Word For Today: Pastor Chuck Smith’,
As we pray for you, our listening audience, we ask the Lord for His guidance on what to publish.
Since not all video messages are available, due to damage caused by age,
We hope that those we are able to upload bless you.
Please pray that we continue to be faithful in this wonderful work of God.
Also, please share these with your loved ones to share the hope and salvation found only
in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our goal is to reach the world for Jesus.
Therefore, we are uploading Pastor Chuck’s messages.
"For the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry,
for the edifying of the body of Christ.”.
Ephesians 4:12 kjv.
We thank you for your patience, prayers, and Agape-love.
May God Bless you and yours in Christ Jesus;
The - Pastor Chuck Smith Word For Today - Team
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Rome was fascinating, amazingly skillful, stunning.


I am so excited to get into the Word, the way he breaks down every verse and explains it makes it come to life and settles into my heart and mind. Thank you for teaching me and helping me to understand Gods Word.❤


So grateful to God to be a part of His church and to be sealed by the Holy Spirit!


Just found this. Wow God is good. I love that God puts out different ideas and messages through many preachers but always the same outcome… if that makes sense. Very nice sermon ✌🏽🙏🏽❤️‍🔥🦬 NY


Thx ❤ I just rediscovered Pastor Chuck Smith's teachings....a wonderful accompaniment to my morning ice coffee and banana and AC in my new home, Harlingen Texas, Thank You JESUS 😊


Pastor Chuck You're the best thank you.. See you soon.


There's a lot of background information provided; this is good.
Unfortunately, there is also a lot of conjecture passed off as background information; this is common, but not good.


Please think for yourselves! The second person pronoun is used extensively in Scripture especially by Paul writing to specific congregations and by Jesus in his parables. Is it not important to examine the full context and know who they are referring to?
Let's see how misguided pastors twist Scripture to promote their false theology like eternal security (aka OSAS)
Phil chap 1
BIBLE "to all God's holy people at Philippi .: (vs 3).. I thank my God everytime I think of YOU... Being confident that he who began a good work in YOU will carry it through to completion" (vs 6)
PASTOR's version:- "being confident that he who began a good work in ANYONE, so NO ONE ever, could possibly be disqualified or lose salvation...." Thus "proving" OSAS!??
COMMENT: so pastor, from Paul's feelings vs.7 and intimate knowledge of his Philippian congregation you want to apply a blanket statement for anyyone today, while conveniently ignoring ≈ 75 warnings of how a righteous person can lose their salvation…?
We cannot assume that the "YOU" he refers to, is any and all born again current Christians today, which is about as fallacious and misguided as one could be. One only has to CROSS REFERENCE Paul with Rom 2:6 and what Jesus says e.g. about those made "clean" (ergo "Born again") who become attached to the TRUE Vine in John 15, to see that OSAS is a dangerously false doctrine. YOU have to freely remain in him producing good fruit, for him to remain in YOU. Otherwise "YOU will be cut off and thrown in the fire." When Jesus speaks in parables using the 2nd person plural, he is clearly speaking to his present faithful as well as a message for all to come. There is nothing in Paul's letter to assume that he is writing to anyone but a congregation he knows intimately. Get it? So what about Eph 2: 8-9 ?
