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UCAS Clearing can be a pretty confusing and stressful process to go through so hopefully by understanding what happens and how to be best prepared for it today, you’ll be all clued up ahead of A Level results day 2021. I hope this video is useful and best of luck next week to all of you receiving results.
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How old are you? 20
Where are you from? Essex, UK
What do you study and where? Geography at LSE (London School of Economics)
What do you use to film? Iphone XR
What do you use to edit your videos? Final Cut Pro
They Didn't Know It Was Impossible by Sapajou
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- Student life at the London School of Economics and Political Science (classes, campus tours, accommodation tours, vlogs, day/ week in the life etc)
- General student tips (budgeting, setting a budget, funding, working out finances etc)
- Admissions advice for London School of Economics and other universities I applied to (Rankings, requirements, personal statements)
- My experience and opinions on the London School of Economics (the truth , things I love and hate about LSE)
- My gap year (what you can do on your gap year, how to plan your gap year)
- Living in London as a university student (Kings College London, UCL, LSE, Queen Mary University London, SOAS, Birkbeck, Imperial etc)
- Education, School Experience, GCSE and A Level Exams during Covid
Imogen white lse, Imogen white gap year, ucas offers 2021, ucas 2020, alevels 2020, clearing 2020, ucas track 2020, results day 2020, university 2020, clearing 2020 uni, a level results 2020, gcse results day 2020, a level results day 2020, a guide to clearing 2020, results day advice 2020, preparing for results day 2020, what happens on results day 2020, what happens if i get into clearing 2020, clearing 2018, university clearing 2020
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Universities NOT in clearing 2022

Cambridge: No clearing spaces. They do run a special adjustment scheme for rejected applicants meeting certain criteria, but you will have been contacted about this if eligible.
LSE: "We do not envisage being in clearing this year."
Imperial: Does not participate in clearing.
Oxford: Does not participate in clearing.
UCL: No clearing vacancies for 2022.
St Andrews: The University of St Andrews will not have any courses available through UCAS Clearing services for 2022 entry.
Edinburgh: No clearing spaces for Home (Scottish) and UK applicants

Universities that ARE in clearing this year but weren’t in 2021
KCL: Some clearing spaces for 2022.
Bath - We have a small number of clearing vacancies for well-qualified applicants.
Durham: Some clearing spaces for 2022.
Edinburgh: Some clearing spaces for International and EU applicants only.
Leeds: Some clearing spaces, but no courses released yet.
Exeter: A very small number of courses in clearing- nursing, theology, history.


“there’s a reason they rejected you” girl 😩😩😩😩


Universities Not in Clearing (Aug 2021)

Bath - We don't expect to have any vacancies
Cambridge: No adjustment or clearing spaces. They do run a special adjustment scheme for rejected applicants meeting certain criteria, but you will have been contacted about this if eligible.
LSE: "We do not envisage being in adjustment or clearing this year."
Imperial: No clear statement as yet. Suggested wording that they won't be advertising Clearing vacancies.
Oxford: Does not participate in clearing, extra, or adjustment.
UCL: No statement yet - occasionally limited adjustment places.
St Andrews: Doesn't usually have clearing spaces.
Durham: No clearing or adjustment spaces.
Edinburgh: No clearing spaces.
Leeds: No clearing spaces.
KCL: No clearing or adjustment spaces.


Thank you so much for this very useful video and for all the question responses. There seems to be quite a lot of offers via Clearing at the moment so fingers crossed for those wanting or needing a back up plan.


I managed to meet my grades on Tuesday for Astrophysics at UCL, however this video was still great! It’s useful to know this stuff because other people around you might have or will go through it.


Imogen, I can't tell you how scared I am for my results. My predicted grade is triple Ds and I hope to get a higher grade for the A level exam. Wish me luck as I am hoping to go to a uni that offers me a 3 years course instead of a 4 years course


This is so useful!! Another great video Imogen! :)


I’m so scared cause like I can’t lie i feel like ima do bad, along sides that I don’t think what I chose for uni I’m gonna enjoy like fr :(((( I’m just stressed af


Such solid advice that I wish I heard when going through clearing


Our school just did the 2020 papers in a hall with invigilators so the anxiety is killing me. Thanks for the advice


my clearing tip is to be sneaky with your courses and suggest joint honours if the exact course you wanted isn't on clearing but a similar one is! i had a friend who contacted york about their listing of politics in clearing when she was due to study history. when the woman on the phone said she'd be able to offer her a politics place, she asked whether there was the potential for a joint honours with history, even though history wasn't listed on clearing. she was offered a place for history and politics in the end, just from asking. it might not work out in every situation, but it's really worth asking!


Hi, thank you so much for this video! I was stressed about results day and not really knowing how clearing works so this was a massive help. I noticed that you've commented info about which unis were participating in clearing for the past two years and how many places they were likely to offer, I was wondering when this info becomes available and where we can find it? Thank you! :)


Ngl, this vid helped quite a lot. I got BBC and I'm going on to study Mathematics and Statistics at Queen Mary University in London now, if not for ur advice I deffo wouldn't have been that ambitious but u were right.


We did different stuff in each subject and I unfortunately got really bad depression during most of my second year so I don’t even remember half of it, I went from being an a* student to barely scraping a C


I need to EXACTLY WANT KNOW WHERE IS THE 'ADD CLEARING CHOICE' button?!?! It says in help and videos and says just click on the 'add clearing choice' button. Where is it? So frustrating!!!😠How do you get the clearing number ??!! How do you get there??!!


Heya thanks for the great video I wanted to ask my application is for medicine and if I don’t get in I’m planning to apply for computer science, can I still do that because my personal statement is for medicine ? Thank you 🙏


I have 2 choices and I don’t want to go to them anymore so I want to self release into clearing for another course, sooo stressed


Thank you for this video !! So helpful


Hi Imogen, did you join any societies or clubs in university? Since I might be going to uni this september, I am tempted to try the taster sessions


If you've met the grades for some universities that have given you an offer, can you still apply for clearing to see if you can still get into the unis that rejected you?