Brexit March London: Hundreds of thousands march on Westminster for a Final Say

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This is not about a ‘final say’ it’s wholly about trying to stop Brexit and ignore the 17.4 million people who voted to leave.


Should be making noise in the ballot boxes instead of on the streets :/


0:45 "People's vote. Let us be heard."
You DID vote and you were heard...
On June 23rd 2016.
(you just don't like the results lol)


London was the one region in England that voted decisively to remain.
London has the best (and relative to average income cheapest) public
transport that converges in central London. People in and around London
are the wealthiest in the country. Getting about 600, 000 people onto the
streets in London on this issue is relatively easy. Some 41% of the
population of London are non-white or mixed race. They are generally
poorer Londoners. Does the crowd look anything like 41% non white: no -
not even close. The non-white population of London voted more heavily
for remain than white Londoners, yet they were not there. What that
tells us is that poorer people cannot afford or are not sufficiently
engaged to attend these things. Contrast with the East Midlands.
Strongly leave, but has no natural point of convergence, no cheap public
transport and a much poorer population. Of course it is almost
impossible to get large Brexit supporting crowds together outside
London. But they will still walk to the local Polling Place and vote
Brexit again in their millions. Message - London is not England and


And in breaking news today, the whole of the Home Counties and large parts of North and West London turned out to express their fears at any changes to the Neo-liberalism that has made them rich over the past forty years and will make their children richer still in the years to come. Politicians from all political parties addressed the crowd:

• Sadiq Khan, the London Labour Mayor who is funding the demolition and privatisation of as many London council estates as he can, said Brexit was a threat to future generations.

• John McDonnell, the Shadow Labour Chancellor who has promised to re-nationalise our public transport, energy and NHS, expressed his wish to remain within the European Union whose laws expressly prohibit such nationalisation.

• Dianne Abbott, the Labour MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington and Shadow Home Secretary who has called for 10, 000 more police on the streets of London but has refused to criticise Hackney council's 19-estate demolition programme, said she wants to live in an open, inclusive, outward-looking world.

• David Lammy, the Labour MP for Tottenham who after the Grenfell Tower fire called for all post-war council estate tower blocks to be pulled down, said the people of Britain are determined to have a final say on our future.

• Luciana Berger, the former Labour now Liberal-Democrat MP for Liverpool Wavertree who accused Jeremy Corbyn of anti-semitism for criticising Israel's programme of genocide against the Palestinian people, said we need to give the country the facts and information about Brexit.

• Hilary Benn, the Labour MP for Leeds Central who in 2015 led the Parliamentary motion for airstrikes on Syria, said we need to embrace our friends and neighbours.

• Michael Heseltine, Margaret Thatcher's Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, millionaire property developer who championed the Right to Buy scheme that has sold 2 million council homes into private hands, and former head of David Cameron's Estate Regeneration National Strategy, said the British people were deceived by the 2016 Referendum.

• Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair's Press Secretary and Liar in Chief who coined the term 'People's Princess' when Diana Spencer died, called for a 'People's Vote'.

• And Caroline Lucas, the former Leader of the Green Party, said remaining within the European Union was not about turning the clock back to the austerity, rising inequality and mass privatisation it's Neo-liberal policies have imposed on member states since the financial crisis.


Usual remoaners crowd vastly overated numbers as usual by media, majority from LONDONSTANI 👎👎👎👎👎


No to dealing with USA, NHS, chlorine in my chicken,


I've never seen so many white people....very north London too.


Wow!!.How Wonderful! .. isn't hindsight a wonderful thing!...and how
glorious it is to witness this absurdly North London middle class
movement's death throes at the hands of the true real working class
Labour Party of the North East and @t sweet.
They had their day but we have many many years to come.


Just look how white and middle class they are !


Brexit - Pandora's box wide open 🙄


People seem to have forgotten that the leave vote only won by 2% and most people who voted leave were unaware of the true consequences of Brexit and were and still are being lied to by politicians. Most people who voted leave (other than the old grannies and grandads or the over 50 year olds) would have voted for remain on the 29th March (if they had done a 2nd referendum on that day)/23rd June had they had known the devastating effects of the UK leaving the EU (unfortunately they didn't know the devastating effects as they didn't do their research). Many people who voted leave also voted leave because "the are too many darn foreigners in the country taking our jobs" completely forgetting to think about the other factors


The Independent's loyalty to EU is moving and touching.


It's quite extraordinary...I've never seen so many WHITE people in one place. You seen this Jon Snow?


We will overcome
We will overcome
We will overcome
Some day
For deep in my heart
We will REMAIN
Oh we will overcome some day.


Wow! The xenophobia on here in comments ? I mean!?


All look like a bunch of weirdos to me,


Yes and the British Public did not ask for a referendum in first place


The march looks good and I agree with its objective.


London was the one region in England that voted decisively to remain.
London has the best (and relative to average income cheapest) public
transport that converges in central London. People in and around London
are the wealthiest in the country. Getting about 600, 000 people onto the
streets in London on this issue is relatively easy. Some 41% of the
population of London are non-white or mixed race. They are generally
poorer Londoners. Does the crowd look anything like 41% non white: no -
not even close. The non-white population of London voted more heavily
for remain than white Londoners, yet they were not there. What that
tells us is that poorer people cannot afford or are not sufficiently
engaged to attend these things. Contrast with the East Midlands.
Strongly leave, but has no natural point of convergence, no cheap public
transport and a much poorer population. Of course it is almost
impossible to get large Brexit supporting crowds together outside
London. But they will still walk to the local Polling Place and vote
Brexit again in their millions. Message - London is not England and
