Calvinism is Syncretism of Pelagian Premises and Manichaean Gnosticism

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Calvinism is a new way of thinking that stemmed from a 4th century blending of pretentious Christianity with Pelagian Premises and Manichaean Gnosticism.

This is an excerpt. The full video can be seen here:

Typo: “Prentious” is supposed to be “pretentious”
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Just me but I like this format idea of short clips of specific points but a longer more detailed one available. Very good balance. Thank you.


I just want to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed watching this short video. I know everyone is different, so let me explain what attracts me to watching videos.

Part 1, here, was an excellent video for me. You followed the one-one-one principle of Internet marketing which is "one problem, one solution, one product."

One problem: The source of Calvinism
One Solution: Your report
One product: Your short video

At the same time, you also have a longer version, Part 2, which, I assume is more details and possibly citations to back up your teaching. (I did not watch it nor do I intend to, so my apologies if I am wrong.)

Your video was short and complete. It did not come across as an advertisement for part 2. I was able to get everything I wanted to hear and learn within your first 5 minutes, but I was glad to watch the next 3 minutes to finish the video. Had this been the 1 hour+ version, had I chosen to watch it, I would have stopped at 5 minutes. Had I been interested in pursuing more information, taking notes, making it my study, etc., I would have gone on to watch Part 2.

You can look up the four personalities, but I have the one that is business first. That means, come in my office, make your point and let me ask questions to get the details I need. This video is perfect for me! Thank you, seriously, thank you!

I am subscribed to many channels. So, when I go to watch something, I look for topics and the length of video to prioritize my viewing. Unless a video really stands out as something I want to know more about, I stick to videos under 30 minutes.

"CHOSEN" - Ephesians 1.4... is one of the longer videos that went to the top of my priority list. It probably needs to be longer, and I don't know if you could make a shorter summary like you did in this video. I've watched this video more than once and taken notes.

I hope you will make more to-the-point short videos like this, but I recognize that it is more time consuming on your part.

In brainstorming a solution, one option might be to plan an "intro" short, and instead of making a Part 1 and Part 2, make one video that gives a good, solid overview and then follows up with the details and citations. Then, you can post the intro as the short and the full video as full. So you would have "Calvin's Errors - Short" and "Calvin's Errors - Full".

Think of this as "YouTube University". You and Flowers are professors teaching a very specialized apologetics course in defense against Calvinism. Someone in, or headed to, the Calvin battle-front, needs everything they can learn from the two of you, but I have a different major and need to understand enough to defend my faith, but not so much as to take on MacArthur and White.

I dropped watching Flowers and watch you, instead, because Flowers is good, but all his videos were just too long and mostly repetitive. When he started making 'shorts', they were more like ads. They didn't really contain any food. I've learned a lot, and gotten a lot out of watching Flowers's videos, but I'm now in more of a 'refresher" course stage.

This video was complete. Plus, an added bonus is that I actually learned something I did not know anything about before.

I really hope you will continue making more of these shorts. Calvinism is not particularly my battle front, but shorts like this strengthen my shield and I can deflect the Calvin darts while I continue standing in my battle.

It looks like you could have produced a few of those hour long videos in the time it took to read this reply about being "short", LOL

Thank you for your ministry. Keep up the good work.
God Bless and Shalom


Perhaps behind the scenes it really was an intentional collaboration, but it just so happens that it just wasn't THEIR intention to collaborate. ;)


Thank you for this video, I was doing research last night and discovered this!!! I knew there must’ve been some heresy behind calvanisim!


Thanks for making this video, Muslim trying to understand the early church


Very informative a great eye opener keep up the good work


Couldn't believe it when I got home tonight and sat down and bam, there it is- a new video to watch. Some people want to watch the new episode of their favorite sitcom, or watch a video on how to make cheese, but not me. I would rather watch Mr. Thompson derail the elect on their tracks. Slow down, move over and pass the popcorn...wait only 7 minutes long?

Now I am sad. I will be watching cheese making sooner than I thought!


Love your shorter videos. Put out more of these please. Also maybe cover other topics. Although I disagree with your interpretation of Genesis 6....I do like other opinions on other topics.


Sometimes you're harder to listen to than an atheist, because an atheist will admit their bias.


Did any of the evidence used against menachianism survive from the christians before constantine?


Kevin - just out of curiosity, what are your sources? Your take on church history looks like nothing I studied I Bible College (and I didn't go to a Calvinistic college), and doesn't resemble lectures I've listened to on church history (from bona-fide professors).

I think you're out in the weeds.

But if you can back up your comments with original sources, I'm all ears.


Fascinating. Perhaps we should focus our studies on the first century? Before mankind twisted things?


Kevin, what do you think about a video on the Tactics Calvinists use to convert Christians?


Videos not long enough need to make an hour long video on the subject or a bunch of them. When it comes to the true word I got a big attention span.


Gods sovereignty is compatible with mans free will.


What if Pelagious was correct? He did not coloborate but defended against Gnosticism. Pelagious follows Romans 8:20, and so do I.


Ahh classic Baptist that errors in 4th Century History 😂


To Johnny Calvin A TOTALLY DEPRAVED SINNER is deaf unless the Holy Spirit regenerate him 1st and then his ears will be opened!.The only problem with that philosophical premise is that poor Johnny forgot about OUR BROTHER AND SISTER IN CHRIST Cornelius and Lydia. In both cases God heard their prayers and communicated with them without THEM been first regenerated, KIND OF ODD FOR GOD TO HEAR THE PRAYERS OF 2 UN-REGENERATED/ TOTALLY DEPRAVED DEAF AND MUTE SINNERS, don't you think?.

If Johnny Calvin would claim that Christ's sheep LISTEN to His voice and follow Him then that OBVIOUSLY would imply that there is NO need of believing the Gospel and getting saved for a TOTALLY DEPRAVED UN-REGENERATED sinner to be ABLE to talk to God (since the TOTALLY DEPRAVED sinner is a sheep of Christ he has FULL access to Jehovah God in prayer without BEEN REGENERATED FIRST!.) and for Jehovah God to answer his prayers !!!.

Mmmm let see if I understand you correctly Johnny, so a TOTALLY DEPRAVED UN-REGENERATED sinner and a BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN both have COMPLETE access through prayer to God's Kingdom and communicate with Jehovah God FREELY (just like our brother in Christ Cornelius did before been saved and born again of The Spirit!) anytime and any where?, mmmm very interesting to say the least!.

Should we preach that people DON'T really need to believe the Gospel and repent because, since there is a CHANCE that they could be one of Christ sheep, Jehovah God will ALWAYS listen to their prayer regardless of their spiritual state (totally depraved as Johnny claims that Cornelius was!) and BLESS them as well?.

Mmmmm, so that means that there is NO NEED of Jesus (an UN-GENERATED TOTALLY DEPRAVED sinner DON'T need to be IN Christ for his prayers to be answered) to be an intermediary between God The Father and men for Jesus Christ to be able to listen to TOTALLY DEPRAVED sinners and take their prayers to the Father!!!

So if a non believer TOTALLY DEPRAVED sinner, who you are preaching to, claims that he prays to Jehovah God just as you do and God listen to his prayers and answers them too, are we to believe him because he might be ONE of Christ sheep and he hears the Pastor voice just like Cornelius did?.Are we to be so dumb, naive and gullible to believe that a sheep can hear the Pastor's voice when that sheep is NOT part of the Pastor's flock (he is NOT IN Christ )?.NOPE we can not believe in Johnny Calvin's moronic "theology" and Calvinism TULIP heresy!!!.

Oh Johnny you silly heretic, to be a sheep and LISTEN to the PASTOR'S voice YOU FIRST MUST be IN Christ for Christ to be YOUR PASTOR!!!.When were you IN Christ?, surely it was NOT before the death and resurrection of the PASTOR HIMSELF which IS the condition to be met/needed to be IN Christ!!!.

There are ONLY one solution to this dilemma and the Biblical solution is, that Jehovah God is correct in the FACT that we ALL are depraved (NOT TOTALLY depraved as Johnny claims) sinners in a desperate need of a SAVIOR to redeem us and that good 'ol looney Johnny Calvin is lying through his teeth!!!!.

I'll stop here because I don't want to embarrassed and humiliate our buddy Johnny Calvin any further!.You see the mess you get into Johnny when you try to introduce gnostic and philosophical concepts into the WORD of Jehovah God, the WORD IS ALIVE AND WILL STRIKE YOU BACK!.


All of these also helped to found Islam through their influence on Mohammed


Please clarify that you are talking about "Roman Catholicism" since you and I belong to the "Holy Catholic Church" which has no relation to Roman Catholicism.

Thank you

Keep up the good work. :)
