electronica 2012: eTV Friday (English Only)

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The electronics sector is one of the industries that are especially affected by the shortage of specialists. eTV shows how electronica is trying combat this problem with the student day in the electronica Forum. One of the highlights is the presentation of the Cosima awards for the best university projects. Finally, with electronica 2012 closing its doors, eTV takes a look at the statistics and exhibitors draw a conclusion.

Welcome to the last edition of our eTV magazine. Today we are focussing on the subject of young professionels and we also will take a look back on electronica 2012 and giving you a short overview of the trade show's statistics.
The electronics sector is one of the industries that are (especially) affected by the shortage of specialists. Electronica is trying to do something to combat this problem: with the student day in the electronica Forum which is celebrating its premiere (this year). Together with the industry associations, Messe München (Munich Trade Fair) is organising lectures and networking events for the up-and-coming engineers. One of the highlights is the presentation of the Cosima awards.
Each year this competition challenges students, technology enthusiasts and bright minds to find potential new applications for microsystems in various areas of life. They are supposed to work on their own and develop new application concepts based on existing microsystems. The winner team from TU Darmstadt will receive a prize money but that's not the only positive effect.

Melanie Mora, Public Relations VDE
"Wer bei uns Cosima gewinnt, der hat auf jeden Fall sehr gute Chancen schon vor Beendigung seines Studiums von den Firmen abgeworben zu werden."

"The team who wins the Cosima Award has good chances to be headhunted before they will leave university."
Die zwei weiteren Projekte wurden von der Jury zusammen auf den zweiten Platz gesetzt. Die Studenten der Universität des Saarlandes verdienten sich den Preis mit ihrem Quasimodo-Projekt.

Franziska Emmerich, Uni Saarland

Die Sensoren vermessen die Haltung von Wirbelsäule, Kopf und Schultern. Bei falscher Haltung oder zu wenig Bewegung wird der Träger gewarnt.

Die andere Auszeichnung geht an die Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau. Die Studenten entwickelten eine neuartige Gartenbeleuchtung.

Tommy Müller, Hochschule Zwickau

Die Technik hinter dem xPanel will das Team in Zukunft auch für andere Anwendungen im und rund ums Haus adaptieren.
At the student day companies get involved in an effort to prevent the much-heralded (much-trumpeted) shortage of professionals. More about that in our statement of the day.
Parallel to the student day, a training day takes place. Growing mechanisation and the long-term risks of demographic change inflate (boost) the demand for electronics professionals. Electronica therefore broaches these issues with the students.
Fifteen to eighteen year-old pupils from Bavaria get the chance to take a look at electronics professions for a day. The industry recognises how necessary this is:

Rolf Nissen, NXP Vice President Team Bosch NXP Semiconductors

To that effect, the supposedly uncool image of electronics gets a re-vamp (spruced-off).

Dr. Alfred Michael Rast Director Operations & Promotion Sales OSRAM

And what do the future engineers think about student day?
The world's leading trade fair for components, systems and electronics applications has come to an end for the 25th time. Electronica 2012 was a resounding success.
Norbert Bargmann, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Messe München, is with us now. Mr Bargmann, what conclusions can you draw? What accounts for the success of electronica? Thank you (very much) for the interview.

It is not only the exhibition itself which takes (a) positive stock, but also the Advisory Board and the (many) visitors.
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