Top Republican Tells His Owner Donors That Poor People Will Have To Work For Food Aid

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My uncle was in a house fire and burned over half of his body, in the hospital for a month almost dying from a massive heart attack, having a stint placed, and still needing another, not to mention he's almost blind. They are trying to take away his SS/disability...and also cut his food benefits down to 125 dollars a month. These are the kind of folks they want to have work for their healthcare and food. It's an absolute disgrace.


Is McCarthy saying corporations will pay employees enough to support themselves for life and also have enough to pay for food and healthcare?? Because they obviously don’t have enough now.


Punish the poor so that corporations can get more cheap labor .


Bernie Sanders:" No one who works 40 hours a week should be living in poverty"


Want to cut subsidies? Let's start with the federal pension for all members of congress.


A very generous country oh man that really made me laugh. We treat our citizens like absolute garbage in this country.


If employers paid DECENT wages, then employees wouldn't need to rely on SNAP benefits to feed their families!


I am a 65 yo single woman who is now is living out of my truck. I have learned how to do “stealth” overnight parking, sometimes I park/sleep at a rest area (bathrooms!) or hopefully find a national forest (no bathrooms). I buy a shower at truck stops. Oh. And if you don’t have an address?, social security stops. Even though it was direct deposit.


I think a better idea would be work requirements for Congress! They should work more than part time, spend more time passing effective legislation than fund raising, and no going home when serious issues like the debt ceiling are unresolved!


Since 2009 twenty states still offer $7.25 minimum wage in 2023.


My husband and I were using SNAP for a while even when he was working nearly full-time at a local store because they refused to pay him more than the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. SNAP is NOT a "handout" and is barely enough to get by on for less than a full month when you don't even eat three times a day. Here in Ohio, you are required to work to get it. I agree that if people were actually paid for doing the work they do, programs like SNAP wouldn't be needed so much.


If a given job pays so little you can’t afford to house your family, but enough to boot you off government aid, what do you expect?


People like me who were disabled and cannot work in the field/jobs they have all their lives, once we're 50, there is no retraining programs to find something we CAN do now, and teach us whilst on the safety nets, and help us get placed. Many of us also have no transportation of their own, which makes anything difficult, even in this age. Even if/when we were retrained, what about getting to and from the newly trained for job? You just drop us and wipe your hands. We can't work some place if we cannot get there and home without costing as much as we make by taking Ubers, and then we don't even have the safety nets anymore for necessities. We spend all we make to pay for transportation to and from that job, but then nothing left for rent, utilities, food, etc. How is one supposed to start all over when we aren't given programs/networking and expected to know how to find those leads/networking without guidance?? THEN you tell us to budget better and eliminate luxuries. Luxuries like renting one freaking movie for $5 in an entire month? Or maybe the luxury of internet. Where everything is done these days, and without a vehicle, we need to order online for delivery when we can, communicate with companies, etc. Don't act like you're helping, when you only take the help to one step, and then disappear behind the fake solution and leave us hanging, halfway. We see you.


To solve the debt why don't we go after the greedy corrupt politicians and corporations that have falsely inflated prices


McCarthy shaking his head no while he’s telling us “we are very generous” says it all


This work requirement was tried back in the 90s. Didn’t work.


When will the Congress (both the Senate and the House) stop giving corporations tax breaks?


I’m in Michigan, and “welfare” monies are actually just A LOAN. Yes. You must sign papers to the govt to forfeit your state tax return until your amount given is REPAID. If you win the lottery, the state gets repaid.
If you marry rich, THE STATE GETS REPAID.
Why isn’t the banking CEO’s welfare ever going to be repaid?
They took OUR tax money, free and clear, and now want us to feel bad that we’re all on hard times now, smh.


Republicans never miss a chance to attack the poor.


No one wants to work on a job that doesn't pay and treat you like crap. Can't afford to eat if I don't work, can't afford to eat when I work, screwed.
