The Nature of Altruism

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There is nothing wrong with helping others. But the better off you are, the more you can help if you wish to do so. We must also remember that the help we provide needs to make people better and leave them in less need of help. Otherwise, we did not help them but instead did the opposite.

People who do well in an honest manner do not owe you or me. The fact that they did well does not give others a right to obligate them or what they have.

Charity and compassion are using your own resources and time, not the resources and time of others. The good Samaritan used HIS OWN time and resources. Christ never said to go sell what others have to then give to the needy, he said to sell what you have and then do so. Notice a pattern?

No matter how noble a cause is, it's still immoral to take from another by force, to then aid or fund that cause. -Walter Williams, (paraphrased).

Lastly, why should you or I be required to fund programs, which we find to exacerbate or deepen the problems and the need for more help? How do we train people to be responsible and moral if we are forced to give in order for government and/or do gooders to reward irresponsible and immoral behaviors?


*She's trolling from the 800th dimension.*


*"Altruism is a moral THEORY"???* 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Altruism as an unassailable moral philosophy might by wrong, but there are times when altruism is very much in order. I think I would call it "decency" rather than "altruism". Feeding people who are starving when we live in such abundance is not altruism, though. It is decency.


The logic of altruism in the eyes of a Christian rests on the premise that this the path to achieving supreme satisfaction through the path of sacrifice and counting others greater than yourself.

In no way does this mean I cannot pursue things for myself, seeing as most times I can provide for others is once I’ve achieved and collected much in terms of resources and socioeconomic standing. Think philanthropy.


*The reason we have functioning societies to begin with is because of altruism. What about airline pilots? If pilots didn't put the needs of passengers and cabin crew before their own, don't you think they'd just fly straight into a storm system to save some time and money instead of flying around it (even though planes can handle it)? Why would pilots even come over the intercom and tell passengers that there's about to be turbulence. What, because they're all going to sue if they don't? That's not how it works because sometimes turbulence comes out of nowhere and even the pilots weren't expecting it. Airline pilots don't even get paid millions of dollars and neither do flight attendants from those careers alone. This is TROLLING. Altruism is human nature. Why would nurses and doctors nourish a premature baby in a hospital?? Oh, let me guess... because they're getting paid good money. NURSES DON'T GET PAID MILLIONS OF DOLLARS FOR SIMPLY BEING NURSES. Doctors get paid more, but now you're going to imply that it's out of selfishness and doctors don't care. This video is INSANE. Why would anyone cry after they saw a baby born and why would a mother hold her baby in her arms?? LMAO. This video is TOO insane. And she's speaking with that thick "I'm richer and smarter because I'm Jewish" Jewish accent. I've met one too many Jewish pranksters.* 😂😂😂😂😂


Such words speaking truth to such evil


*Nobody is considerate??? Why the hell do people shower, then???*
