Aeroponics technology presentation

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Aeroponics - the process of growing plants in air without using soil, in which nutrients are delivered to the roots of the plants in the form of an aerosol.

The word "aeroponics" comes from the Greek terms "aero" (air) and "ponos" (labor). Unlike hydroponics, which uses as a substrate water saturated essential minerals and nutrients to maintain growth of plants, plant aeroponic cultivation method does not involve the use of a soil substrate.

Here is the new innovative technology that can radically change the outlook on agriculture, and the main thing - to change the phrase "risk farming zone" with "land of plenty" - aeroponics system. Cultures grown on aeroponics, characterized by a particularly high rate of growth and ripening. Today, this technology is the most advanced and productive of all existing systems. It should be noted that aeroponics - a closed-loop system that does not require recycling of the nutrient solution, substrate utilization, soil, ie, there is no waste in the production technology of marketable products.

The biggest advantage of the growth of roots in the air, that the roots of all the oxygen is obtained, which may require them (roots need plenty of oxygen). Another important advantage of the air, its price. No problem with the arrangement, as often happens with other substrates.

Innovation aeroponics - primarily in the method of resolving the fundamental question - is "Productivity in a protected ground," and the possibility of aeroponics and range of applications is very high. 

1. Applying various aeroponic models achieved a significant increase in productivity of the landing area, for example, on the salad line in vertical growing planting area increases up to ten times.

2. Environmentally friendly, because aeroponics system is a closed loop, is completely absent recycle the nutrient solution is reduced to almost zero use of pesticides, the complete absence of soil or substrates.

3. aeroponics method allows for precise and fast control of all technological processes of plant growth and development.

4. Low energy and material aeroponic technology, it is energy saving, as well as water saving. Saving water by using aeroponics may reach; 90%, in other words, requires only 1/10 of the amount of water in an earth spent rearing.  The consumption of electrical energy consumed in a day during a very small aeroponic cultivation. In situations of emergency shutdown of power plants to maintain life support only a small generator.

5. In aeroponics provided oxygen-rich environment for the roots.

6. Performance of the nutrient solution is stable and does not change in the root zone, and in the container. The nutrient solution contains pathogenic organisms, which simplifies the maintenance and protection of plants from diseases. As a result, we get organic vegetables. Produced vegetables meet the highest standard of quality and safety, do not contain traces of chemicals.

7. In the technical aspect, aeroponics - easy to maintain, allows for easy access to the assessment of the status of all components and pieces of equipment, as well as for the assessment of plant roots.

8. The production process becomes easy and labor-saving, with aeroponics agricultural production is close to the usual leisure pursuits. Man working in a clean, healthy environment, it is required only to master the simple use of a computer and simple steps the process, in other words, not even versed in agriculture, people can easily cope with the job of managing the production process, so aeroponics is suitable for the development of agriculture in urban areas.

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