Warhammer Chaos Gate: Ultimate Class Guide

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Chaos gate daemonhunters is an unbelievably satisfying turn based strategy rpg, with a rich amount of customisation. A big part of that are the characters you can create and wield on the battlefield against the demons of the plague god. If you want to know more about the types of grey knights, the incorruptible ultra-elite demon fighting bad-asses you can outfit to purge your enemies from the battlefield, you’re in the right place. The 4 you start with are the justicar, the interceptor, the purgator, and the apothecary. Later on you’ll have access to the paladin, the chaplain, the librarian, and the purifier.

0:00 Intro
0:40 Classes
1:09 Justicar
3:22 Interceptor
6:13 Purgator
8:14 Apothecary
10:31 Paladin
12:19 Chaplain
14:46 Librarian
17:52 Purifier
20:22 Final Rankings

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3:48 "You want to lean into what he does best - teleporting around and *_causing chaos_* "

Hol' up.


Your videos on Chaos Gate are so refreshing. Actual analysis and in depth tips rather than mostly observations that the game literally spells out for you in the first three missions. As much as the Paladin is a bit lackluster I still like it as it's the most 'knighty' out of the Grey Knights.

Keep up the fine work!


Fantastic breakdown, helped me out a lot with my Legendary run. Thanks!


I really hope they add future DLC with the other 3 chaos lords! Fighting against khorne berserkers would be so cool


i loved Warhammer when i was a young lad (50yrs old now) i bought Warhammer 40, 000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters and love it but do need some help with some knowledge on justicars interceptors apothecarys etc etc so this video is a great help for oldies like myself who need a little help with remembering warhammer troops i played with 30yrs ago as a tabletop game.
VERY good video guide Dantics.


Some additional mentions for the Apothecary and his uses, he can be an amazing enabler for your Interceptor to go on a Stun/Execute Spree, the Iron Arm Biomancy does so much for a Hammer-Interceptor allowing him to potentially finish an entire Pod of CSM and come out with 3-4 AP left.

Also his Biomancy abilities are not limited at all by the Apothecary Skull, quite the contrary, it actually makes him a lot better as it reduces the WP cost of the Biomancies down to 1 WP rather than 2-3.

Still thoroughly believe the Apothecary isn't amazing but he's quite a bit better, in my opinion, than outlined here.


This is the best Chaosgate video I've seen so far - I've seen other youtubers who played so little before their guide that they didn't even know about the additional classes!

The justicar skill that grants AP has been pretty clutch, to the point that early game I think it's worth bringing two instead of an Apothecary!


Great video, I agree with pretty much this assessment. Here's my quick take. Early game run 2 interceptors and then later on run a Librarian with anything. 2 blinky boys will carry the early game and then mass teleport will completely carry from then on


Great video! I agree with most of it, but the Justicar is insanely good at providing support, and without him, the Interceptor is just not the same, so I think he deserves a better spot. It is telling that his other abilities are good (especially stun charge and provoke), but don't get used much because of honor the chapter.
I think the support skills are usually more important than the main skills, in that I found Justicar + Interceptor much better than Interceptor + anything else.


Dantics: "You want to lean into what he does best: teleporting around and causing chaos!"

Me, a stalwart Imperial servant: Causing what now? Yes, this is him, Inquisitor...


Thank you for making this! I quickly discovered the glory of the interceptor but sometimes found myself not knowing what to do with the others, save of course... buffing the interceptor


The Paladin with a Psi-cannon is an absolute powerhouse of a frontliner, or even for holding a defensive point on his own. The Psi-cannon offers him incredible firepower, and teamed up with a Psilencer wielding Purgator witht he team fire ability, and a Librarian to Gate of the Infinite them around the combination puts in WORK. Additionally like you said, the Interceptor is a MUST HAVE Unit.


Nar-thee-see-um. Nice video, very helpful, thanks


It seems like Running 2 of the Justicars with the ageis, fortress, and the Honor the chapter and them using those buffs on eachother would be very powerful.


The librarian may be an A as long as there is access to the teleport stratagem as than his best ability is freely available ... but he turns to S in the fights without. Porting the melee team up to key positions and throw out an empowered shriek AND his damage spell to prepare the slaughter is powerful as hell. Being able to do this two or three times with the right gear got me a long way to win the real hard battles.


No one else going mention his caster is called Gandalf? 🤣. Great vid thanks dude


I am wildly disappointed that Nemesis Dreadknight is not an option


Picked this up a while ago but was waiting on some patches before playing it. Will give it a try tonight, so thanks for the tips!


I noticed real quick that the interceptor was op as hell. If you pick the shooting option, it becomes better than the starting shooting class.


You should revisit this post-nerf. Interceptors are still great but max +1 AP/WP refunded per action changes a lot. Also I think you are sleeping on Justicars.
